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词汇 to float
例句 Her voice seemed to float gently on the water.她的声音好像在水面轻轻漂动。They decided to float a new company.他们决定筹资创办一家新公司。Russia decided to float the rouble on the foreign exchange market.俄罗斯决定让卢布在外汇市场上自由浮动。A decision by the Finns to float their currency sent a shudder through the foreign exchanges.芬兰允许其货币自由浮动的决定在外汇市场上引起了震动。Is there enough water in the tub to float your boat?浴缸里有足够的水来浮起你的小船吗?In her later works, large, amorphous shapes seem to float on the canvas.她后期的作品中,一个个大大的、说不清楚是什么形状的图案就好像漂浮在画布上似的。The government decided to allow the peso to float freely.政府决定让比索自由浮动。Sterling should be allowed to float.应该允许英镑汇率浮动。Publicity is required to float a novel plan.要使一个新颖的计划得人心需要宣传。The divers tried to float the sunken ship.潜水员想使沉船浮起。They may have to float a loan to raise the money for renovations.为了筹集翻修资金,他们可能不得不申请贷款。Orange trees seemed to float in the breathless air.橘子树似乎漂浮在令人窒息的空气中。They tried to float a sunken ship.他们想使沉船浮起。There is enough water in the tub to float your toy boat.浴缸里有足够的水载你的玩具船。In the dream my feet leave the ground and I start to float upwards / upward.在梦里,我双脚离开地面,人开始往上飘。We left him there to float off with the tide, and told him to follow the coast.我们把他放在那里,让他随波漂流,并且告诉他要沿着海岸线走。The mosque appeared to float on supporting stone arches.清真寺看上去好似浮在支撑石拱之上。Sterling should be allowed to float.应当允许英镑浮动。




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