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词汇 to drop
例句 Support for him has begun to drop away.他的支持率开始下降。Be careful not to drop that bottle.小心别把那瓶子摔了。This isn't the kind of crisis that requires us to drop everything else.这样的危机并不需要我们抛弃其他的一切。We had to drop our prices because of the recession.由于经济不景气,我们不得不降低了价格。Be sure to drop your speed in wet weather.下雨天一定要降低车速。I have very clumsy hands and tend to drop things.我笨手笨脚的,总爱弄掉东西。I've got to drop by the bank to get some money.我得顺便到银行去取点钱。The prosecution was forced to drop the case.控方被迫撤诉。See if he's prepared to drop the price.看看他是否准备降价。When the engine failed, we had to drop astern.发动机出了故障,我们的船只好落在后面。He tends to drop out of sight for days at a stretch.常常一连几天都看不见他的人影。The Democrats are unlikely to drop their opposition to his nomination.民主党不可能放弃抵制他的提名。After consultation with the judge, lawyers decided to drop the case.与法官协商后律师们决定撤销诉讼。His lawyer advised him to drop the matter.他的律师建议他别再追究这件事。After the run they were fit to drop.跑完之后,他们累趴下了。The ship began to drop down with the tide.船随潮流而下。She asked the cab driver to drop her further up the street.她让出租车司机再沿街往前开一段后让她下车。They had to drop the experiment in midstream.他们不得不中途放弃实验。A slit is provided for the coin to drop through.狭长的口子是供投硬币用的。Such patients are more prone to drop dead suddenly.这类病人更易猝死。Daddy called and asked me to drop by his office.爸爸打来电话让我去他办公室一趟。One of the swimmers got cramp and had to drop out of the race.有一名游泳选手抽筋了,只好退出比赛。We have to drop our pretences and look squarely at schooling as it really is.我们必须抛开一切伪装,正视学校教育的真实情况。The water level in the flooded region has finally begun to drop.受灾地区的洪水终于开始退去了。It was getting late and most of us were fit to drop.天色渐暗,我们大部分人都累得快要瘫倒在地上。She told him to drop dead when he asked her to dance.当他请她跳舞时,她叫他别打扰她。Oremans has yet to drop a set.奥尔曼斯还一局未输。He told me to drop everything and come over straight away.他要我放下手头的一切,马上过来。I'm going to drop my calculus class and take a biology course instead.我打算不上微积分课,而去上生物课。She ignored legal advice to drop the case.她不理会律师关于撤诉的建议。Christmas is a time when most of us are pleased to drop a coin in a collection box.圣诞时分,大多数人都乐于往募捐箱内投放一枚硬币。CBS will end the series if it continues to drop in the ratings.这部电视连续剧如果收视率排名继续下降,哥伦比亚广播公司就会停播该剧。Children who take exams early will be allowed to drop a subject except in the case of maths, English and science.提早参加考试的孩子们可以免修除数学、英语和科学以外的一门课。Her family wanted her to drop the case.她的家人要她撤回诉讼。No one 's likely to drop a bomb here.不可能有人在这里投炸弹。Be careful not to drop the chair on your foot.小心别让椅子倒下来砸着你的脚。Does that mean you're going to drop the subject?那是不是意味着你将不再谈论那个话题了?The membership of the club began to drop off.这个俱乐部会员开始减少。They have agreed to drop the appeal.他们已同意放弃上诉。The sergeant blustered and threatened, but decided to drop the charge.这位军士一通怒吼威胁,但最后还是决定放弃控告。




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