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词汇 to defend
例句 They have no weapons to defend themselves.他们没有武器来保护自己。He is ready to defend fair language at the drop of a solecism.他一碰到语法错误就要站出来维护语言纯洁。The government's first duty is to defend the currency by stamping on inflation.政府的首要职责就是通过抑制通货膨胀来保持货币稳定。To argue otherwise is trying to defend the indefensible.以其他的方式辩解实际上就是想强词夺理。The move was unpopular, but he had to defend it.这一动议很不受欢迎,但他不得不为它辩护。They retained a famous lawyer to defend their case.他们聘请了一位著名的律师为他们的案件进行辩论。I don't feel the need to defend my decision.我觉得没必要为我的决定辩解。The government has issued a call to its supporters to defend it and hopes they will answer/heed its call.政府已经向其支持者发出保卫政体的号召,并希望他们能响应。Taking action to defend yourself is a completely rational reaction if you're being attacked.在遭受袭击的情况下采取行动自卫完全是理性的反应。We have a constitutional right to defend ourselves, our family, and our property.我们享有宪法规定的权利保护自己、家人及自己的财产。He hired a top QC to defend him.他雇了一名顶级的王室法律顾问为他辩护。The Turkish president has gone on television to defend stringent new security measures.土耳其总统上电视为严格的新安全措施进行辩护。They formed a pressure group to defend their rights.他们组成了一个压力集团来捍卫他们的权利。We will act unilaterally to defend our interests.我们将采取单方面行动,捍卫自身利益。Each soldier got into position to defend the airfield.士兵们各就各位,保卫机场。He used the old trick of attacking in order to defend himself.他使用以攻为守的老把戏为自己辩护。I have sworn an oath to defend her.我发誓要保护她。Everyone was shouting at me, and I never got a chance to defend myself.大家都朝我大喊大叫,我一直没有机会为自己辩解。She felt she had to defend the honour of her profession.她觉得自己必须维护她所属行业的声誉。The country should have the right to defend itself with all legal means at its command.国家应当有权运用一切合法手段保卫自身安全。We need to defend against military aggression.我们要防御军事侵略。She plans to defend the suit vigorously.她打算全力为这一诉讼辩护。We shall unite to defend ourselves against aggression.我们应该团结起来抵御侵略。It is our duty to defend our country.保卫国家是我们的义务。The country should have the right to defend itself with all legal means at its command.国家有权运用一切合法手段保卫自身安全。The law permits every citizen to use reasonable force to defend themselves or their property.法律准许每个公民合理地使用武力来保护自己或自己的财产。Those people who took up weapons to defend themselves are political prisoners.那些拿起武器自卫的人是些政治犯。We will fight to the death to defend our shores.我们誓死保卫家园。We have to defend our position very robustly indeed.我们确实必须坚决维护我们的立场。As a U.S. senator, it is my responsibility to defend the Constitution.身为美国参议员,拥护美国宪法是我的职责。I felt honor bound to defend them. 我觉得从道义上讲我有义务保护他们。The battlements on which they had fought to defend their city are still intact.这个他们为了保卫自己的城市而在上面战斗过的设有枪砲眼的城垛仍然完好无损。Mike's colleagues were prepared to defend him to the hilt.迈克的同事们准备尽力为他辩护。She was accused of playing the race card to defend her client. 她因在为委托人辩护时大打种族牌而受到谴责。They have briefed a top lawyer to defend it.他们已聘请最好的律师对此案进行辩护。They hired a famous lawyer to defend their son.他们请了一位著名律师为儿子辩护。The people took up arms to defend their country.人们拿起武器保卫自己的国家。Healey agreed to defend two young men, who were being framed in a local murder case.希利同意为两名青年男子辩护,他们被诬陷卷入当地的一宗谋杀案。He was laid out before he had time to defend himself.他还没来得及自卫就被杀死了。He abandoned the principles that he once fought hard to defend.他放弃了那些他曾经奋力维护的原则。




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