例句 |
The larvae feed on the young shoots of water-lilies.幼虫吃睡莲的新芽。The plant began to send forth its shoots.这株植物开始长出新芽。You will need to cut off any new shoots that grow below the graft.你要把嫁接处下面长出来的新芽剪掉。Slugs play merry hell with emerging shoots.蛞蝓会破坏长出的新芽。The plant began to send out its shoots.这株植物开始长出新芽。Keep the bulbs in a cool dark place until shoots appear.把球茎置于阴凉处直至冒出新芽。Pinch out any side shoots to make the plant grow upwards.把边上的新芽都掐掉,让这株植物往上长。 |