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词汇 to bite
例句 Higher mortgage rates are beginning to bite.较高的贷款利率现在开始出现不良后果了。Determined to bite back at car thieves, he wired his car to an electric fence.他决心回击盗车贼,把他的汽车连到了电网上。He made a tugging movement, like you do if you're trying to bite through a thread.他用力一拽,就像想把线咬断时那样。The publishers are nibbling, but they haven't yet decided to bite.出版商们在小心谨慎地考虑,但还没有决定要做。I wanted to argue, but I had to bite my tongue.我想辩驳,但又不得不保持缄默。We need to bite the bullet and make some budget cuts.我们必须咬紧牙关,削减预算。I had to bite back a yelp of surprise.我只好强忍住,没惊叫出来。With the recession starting to bite, many government-funded programs have had to be eliminated.经济萧条开始产生不利影响,许多政府资助的计划不得不被取消了。Rising budget deficit is beginning to bite.预算赤字的不断增加开始产生不良后果。Tour operators may be forced to bite the bullet and cut prices.旅行社可能无可奈何被迫降价。I only asked if I could help - there's no need to bite my head off!我只是问了一下我能否帮上忙——没必要无缘无故地对我发火!It's not easy, but as a manager, sometimes you have to bite the bullet and fire people.这么做并不容易,但是作为经理,有时候你不得不硬着头皮解雇别人。We need a clamp to bite the wood while the glue dries.我们得用个夹子夹紧木头,等胶水干透。The allegation has caused one lecturer's career to bite the dust.这项指控葬送了一名讲师的职业生涯。There's no need to bite my head off. I was just asking a simple question.你没有必要对我发脾气。我只是问一个简单的问题。The company's measures are beginning to bite.公司的措施已初见成效。I had to bite my tongue to stop myself telling Neil exactly what I thought of his stupid plan.我拼命忍住,不让自己告诉尼尔,对他那个愚蠢的计划我心里是怎么想的。Tom likes to have some difficult question to bite on.汤姆老喜欢找难题钻研钻研。I think I'm just going to have to bite the bullet and tell him the truth.我想我只好硬着头皮把真相告诉他。She's so temperamental that even if you disagree with her it's better to bite your tongue and say nothing.她这人很喜怒无常,即使你不同意她,也最好保持沉默,什么都不要说。Their decision not to invest more money in new equipment may come back to bite them eventually.他们不再对新设备投资的这一决定最终可能会留下后患。As the sanctions begin to bite there will be more political difficulties ahead.随着制裁开始产生严重的负面影响,政治上将面临更多的困难。The figures show that the economic slowdown is beginning to bite.数字表明经济发展速度放缓开始产生不良后果。We'll just have to bite the bullet and get on with it.我们只能咬紧牙关,继续做这件事。I hate going to the dentist, but I'll just have to bite the bullet.我不愿去看牙医,但看来我不得不硬着头皮去。I only asked you a question. There's no need to bite my head off.我只是问你一个问题。你何必对我这么凶。I really wanted to laugh - I had to bite my lip.我真的想笑——但只能忍住。After two cold months, the coal shortage was beginning to bite.在两个月的严寒后,煤炭短缺的影响开始显现出来。The allegation has caused one lecturer's career to bite the dust.这项指控断送了一名讲师的前程。Kenny's favourite party trick is to bite the caps off beer bottles.肯尼在聚会上最爱露一手的把戏是把啤酒瓶盖一个个咬开。The new camcorders were withdrawn after consumers failed to bite.因为消费者没有接受,这几款新的摄像机撤出了市场。It was his instinct to bite back.反唇相讥是他的本能。I've told you before not to bite your nails.我以前就告诉过你不许咬指甲。Least likely to bite the bullet are the conservative Republicans.最不敢干的是保守的共和党人。A scream rose to her lips again. She had to bite it back.她想尖叫,又不得不忍了回去。I had to bite my tongue to keep from breaking up.我必须咬住舌头才不笑出来。If I don't do something now, the issue might come back to bite me.如果我现在不采取措施,将来可能会受到这件事的拖累。I wanted to tell him exactly what I thought of him, but I had to bite my tongue.我本想明确告诉他我对他的看法,可是不得不保持沉默。It's very hot this summer, we have to bite down.今年夏天很热,我们只好咬紧牙关熬过去。I must learn to bite my lip.我得学会不乱说话。




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