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It's a catch-22 situation: The project won't receive government money until it is shown to be successful, but it cannot be successful without adequate funds.这真是个左右为难的局面:该项目只有成功才能获得政府资金,然而,没有足够的资金无法成功。For the magazine to be successful, it will have to compete in the big league against leading weekly women's magazines.为了成功,该杂志必须在高端市场和主流的女性周刊杂志竞争。I want my children to be successful in their chosen careers.我希望孩子们在他们自己选择的事业中获得成功。Unless we make a product that people want, we are not going to be successful.除非我们生产人们想要的产品,否则是不会成功的。Everyone wants to be successful in the eyes of their peers.每个人都希望在同辈人的眼中自己是成功的。We are laying plans now in order to be successful in the future.我们现在作好打算,为的是将来取得成就。Her only problem, if you can call it a problem, is that she expects to be successful all the time.她唯一的问题,如果称得上是问题的话,就是她总是渴望成功。Women do not necessarily have to imitate men to be successful in business.女性不见得非要仿效男性才能在商界获得成功。Was he born to be successful, or did he just luck out?是他命中注定会成功,还是仅仅交了好运?These choices are part of what enabled the company to be successful.这些抉择是这家公司能够获得成功的部分原因。Advertising sends the message that you have to be thin to be successful.广告传递出的信息就是,要想成功就得瘦。It takes dedication to be successful in a sport.要全身心投入才能在运动方面取得成功。In order to be successful as a dancer, you need flair and stamina.成为一名成功的舞蹈演员需要天赋和毅力。National and international relief efforts must coordinate if the operation is to be successful.要想此次行动获得成功,必须协调好国内外的救援工作。You have to be pretty devious to be successful in that sort of business.你想要在那种生意上发迹,就得相当狡诈。You have to be tough to be successful in politics.要在政界取得成功就必须坚强。The only way to be successful in athletics is to really work at it.要在体育运动方面取得成功,唯一的途径就是下工夫练习。The company has continued to be successful because it always stays one jump ahead of its competitors.这家公司不断获得成功是因为它总是抢先对手一步。You have to think positive if you're going to be successful in this game.要想在这次比赛中获胜,你一定要自信。It takes a lot of doing to be successful in business these days.现今要在商业上获得成功是很困难的。She has too much sentiment to be successful.她太多愁善感,很难成功。If you want to be successful you need to get a good education.要想成功,就要接受良好的教育。I think it's going to be successful.我认为这事会成功。 |