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例句 The mayor urged citizens to begin preparing for a major storm.一场特大暴风雨即将到来,市长敦促市民做好准备。He was taken away to begin a prison sentence.他被带走开始服刑。DeGaulle flew back to England to be briefed about the invasion that was about to begin.戴高乐乘飞机回到英格兰,听取有关这场即将开始的侵略行动的情况。She is very honest, to begin with.首先,她很诚实。The audience waited patiently for the show to begin.观众耐心地等待演出开始。How did you get involved to begin with?你一开始是怎么卷进去的?Since no one objected to her plan, she went straight on to talk about how to begin.因为没人反对她的计划,所以她就接着说如何实施这个计划了。We've just moved all the way across country to begin a new life.我们刚刚从国家的那一头搬到这里开始新的生活。The conductor waited for the applause to die down before signalling for the orchestra to begin.指挥等待掌声平息下去才示意乐队开始演奏。Federal authorities gave Alascom verbal approval to begin the project.联邦当局口头批准阿拉斯加通信公司开始这个项目。Three short blasts on the whistle was the sign to begin.三声短哨就是开始的信号。They made a request to begin work immediately.他们要求立刻开始工作。I'd like to begin with a few general comments.我想先谈几点总的看法。The government plans to begin emergency relief as soon as the country is cleared of troops.政府计划在所有军队从该国撤走之后立刻开始紧急救济。They plan to meet again in Rome very soon to begin substantive negotiations.他们计划不久后在罗马再次会晤,以开始实质性的谈判。The flight is about to begin boarding.本次航班即将开始登机。They intend to begin manned space missions next year.他们打算明年开始执行载人航天任务。She has lost a lot of weight, and she wasn't very heavy to begin with.她体重减了不少,而且原本她就不是很重。She arched backward to begin the exercise.她向后弯腰开始锻炼。Harry chatted to a couple of Australian tourists as we waited for the show to begin.我们等待演出开始时,哈里和几个澳大利亚游客攀谈了。An official signalled that it was time for the race to begin.一名官员示意比赛应该开始了。It is instinct that tells the birds when to begin their migration.是本能让鸟类知道何时开始迁徙。I'm shortly to begin a course on the modern novel.我不久将要选修一门现代小说课程。If you are hoping to form a new relationship tread carefully and slowly to begin with.如果你希望建立新的关系,首先要慎重行事,不要着急。Negotiations with the Turkish government are due to begin tomorrow.同土耳其政府的谈判预定从明天开始。The business went well to begin with, and he prospered.生意一开头就很顺手,于是他发迹了。The scheme, due to begin next month, will be voluntary.定于下个月开始实施的方案是自愿性质的。The soldiers were lined up and ordered to begin marching.士兵们排列整齐,听到口令,开始向前行进。They waited until after dark to begin their escape.他们一直等到天黑之后才开始逃跑。He has been backward to begin his canvass.他迟迟不着手进行游说。The first clinical trials were expected to begin next year.第一批临床实验有望明年开始。The US is prepared to begin talks immediately.美国准备立即开始会谈。In England, the grouse hunting season is just about to begin.在英国,猎松鸡的季节正要开始。He is about to begin a three-match ban after his third sending-off of the season.他这赛季第三次被罚下场后将被禁赛三场。The show was about to begin and behind the stage there were scenes of feverish activity.演出就要开始了,舞台后面一片闹哄哄的景象。The test is scheduled to begin in one hour.测验定于一小时后开始。He signaled us that it was time to begin the meeting.他示意我们是时候开始会议了。The Social Democrats say they are ready after all to begin talks on joining a coalition government.社会民主党人竟然说他们准备开始谈判加入联合政府了。The band was scheduled to begin rehearsals for a concert tour.这支乐队准备开始为巡演排练。We had to begin all over again.我们不得不从头再来。




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