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词汇 to bear
例句 If we're going to finish on time, we really have to bear down.如果我们想按时完成,那就真得加把劲才行。He tried to bring pressure to bear on her.他企图向她施加压力。That was part of the cross she had to bear.那属于她必须忍受的苦难。Everyone has a cross to bear.每一个人都有自己的苦难。We're giving up too many points - we have to bear down.我们放弃太多点了——我们得加把劲呀。It isn't in that woman's nature to bear grudges.那女人天性不会记仇。The captain gave orders to bear up.船长下令使船驶向下风。His shoulders are broad enough to bear the responsibility.他完全担当得起这一责任。It's not easy to bear up under such circumstances.在这样的环境下咬紧牙关坚持是不容易的。The nurse will tell you when to bear down.分娩时护士会告诉你何时使劲收缩腹肌。The person at fault in the accident is expected to bear the cost of repairs. 这一事故的责任人应承担修理费。I bring all my efforts to bear on having it done.我竭尽全力完成这件事。Our policies must be given time to bear fruit.我们的政策必须假以时日才能取得成果。The ice is too thin to bear your weight.冰太薄,承受不住你的重量。They will have to bear the misery of living in constant fear of war.他们不得不忍受长期生活在战争恐惧中的痛苦。We Indians have learnt to bear it with a cynical smile.我们印度人已经学会用玩世不恭的微笑来承受它。You will have to bear down if you expect to pass the examination.你要是指望考试及格的话,就得加一把劲。As the plants grow and start to bear fruit they will need a lot of water.当植物生长并开始结果的时候,它们需要大量的水。She tried to bring her influence to bear on her husband.她试图对丈夫施加影响。These men at the top had to bear a crushing burden of informed anxiety.这些身居高位的人物不得不承受因了解情况而焦虑不安的千钧重负。The loss was a heavy cross to bear. 那次损失是个沉重的负担,让人难以承受。The only men left in town were too old to bear arms.城中留下来仅有的一些男子都老得拿不动武器了。This concession would not have happened but for the pressure that was brought to bear on the authorities.如果不是因为对当局施加了压力,就不会有这一让步。The therapist is called upon to bear witness to a crime.治疗师被要求给一起罪案作证。The tunnel would have needed to be extremely strong to bear the full weight of the earth above.隧道本来就要特别牢固,才能承受得住上面泥土的全部重量。They brought their guns to bear on the enemy.他们把大炮瞄准了敌人。It's a natural instinct for a woman giving birth to bear down.产妇生产时用力推压是天生的本能。For many women, the harrowing prospect of giving evidence in a rape case can be too much to bear.对很多女性来说,一想到要提供遭强奸的证据就让人难以忍受。It took two cars to bear the guests away.用了两辆车把宾客接走。The ice was not thick enough to bear the weight of marching men.冰不够厚,承载不了行军队伍的重量。The invalid is very irritable, but we try to bear with him.那病人极易发怒,但我们尽量容忍他。Do parents have to bear the whole cost of tuition?父母得负担全部学费吗?He had to bear the brunt of the blame.他只好成为众矢之的。He has a way in bringing his points to bear.他有一套办法使别人接受他的观点。The full force of the law was brought to bear on anyone who criticized the government.凡是批评政府的,都要用法律加以严惩。It is a heavy burden for one person to bear.它是常人难以承受的代价。She was afraid she wouldn't be able to bear the pain.她担心自己忍受不了这种痛苦。I don't know if the story is good enough to bear completing.我不知道这个短篇是否写得还可以,值得写完它。His death is a heavy load to bear.他的过世带来了难以承受的悲痛。He was naturally disappointed when the talks failed to bear fruit.会谈没有取得成果,他自然感到失望。




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