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词汇 to be able
例句 She wondered whether her middle-aged brain was too hardened into its old patterns to be able to think originally any more.她在想,人到中年的自己头脑是否已变得太僵化,无法进行创造性思考了。The boss expects us to be able to change gear just like that.老板希望我们能够像那样该出力时就出力。Psychics claim to be able to see a person's aura.有特异功能的人声称能看到一个人的灵气。It might be useful for us to be able to get in touch with you.我们如果能够联系上你可能有用。The people want to be able to walk the streets in safety.人们希望能够保障街头行路安全。I would be sore pressed to be able to distinguish the two.我很难将这两者区分开来。I've always wanted to be able to waggle my ears.我一直希望我的耳朵能动。I'd give a lot to be able to write like that!要是能写成那样,我愿意付出很多!A good teacher has to be able to motivate her students.好教师必须能激发学生的积极性。The audience needs to be able to relate to the characters in the story.观众需要能够理解故事中的人物。They do not seem to be able to let bygones be bygones.他们似乎不能对过去放手。You must register to be able to vote.你必须先办好选民登记才能投票选举。You have to be able to have trust in your backup system.你要对自己的备用系统有信心。We're lucky to be able to get the full benefit of/from her knowledge.我们很幸运能够从她的学识中大获裨益。The operator has to be able to carry out routine maintenance of the machine.操作员必须能对机器进行日常维护。I'd give anything to be able to sing like that!要是能唱得那么好,我愿意付出任何代价!I suppose it's stupid of us not to be able to make up our own minds.我们自己都没办法拿定主意,这真是太傻了。He wanted just to be able to let his feelings out.他只想尽情释放自己的情感。I'd give my eye teeth to be able to play the piano like that.要是我能像那样演奏钢琴,我愿意付出任何代价。You've got to be able to make your business pay well.你得设法使你的生意赢利。There was absolutely no way that we were going to be able to retrieve it.我们绝对不可能把它找回来。These redundancies are necessary for the company to be able to survive.公司若要生存下去,裁掉这些人员是必需的。You have to be able to take the heat in a responsible job like that.你必须能够承受这种责任重大的工作所带来的压力。However hungry I am, I never seem to be able to finish off a whole pizza.无论有多饿,我似乎都吃不下一整个比萨饼。As a teacher, things often go wrong, and you have to be able to see the funny side of it.当教师常常碰到不顺遂的事,你得能看到事情有趣的一面。If you work at home, you need to be able to structure your days.如果你在家工作,你得能安排好自己每天的工作。You used to be able to pop out to the corner shop for a packet of cigarettes.你以前会为了买一包香烟而冲向街头小店。It's ridiculous to expect a two-year-old to be able to read!指望一个两岁的孩子能阅读真是太荒唐了!A school has to be able to make rules about students’ dress, even at the risk of upsetting parents.学校要对学生的衣着作出规定,哪怕会得罪家长。Anna is far too shambolic to be able to run a business.安娜做事太缺乏头绪,经营不了公司。It's useful to be able to pull up restaurant menus online.能在线调出餐馆菜单,这很有用。I just want to be able to buy healthy food at a reasonable price. Is that asking the impossible?我只是想能以合理的价格买到健康食品。难道这是在要求不可能的事吗?Let's drop the subject since we don't seem to be able to agree.既然看来难以达成一致,咱们还是停止谈论这个话题吧。The security forces seem to be able to abuse human rights with impunity.安全部队似乎可以践踏人权而不受惩罚。You will have to be able to write memos and reports.你得会写备忘录和报告。We ought to be able to complete the work in a single day.我们一天就应该能够完成这项工作。I was delighted to be able to eat my favourite dishes to my heart's content.我很高兴能够尽情享用我最喜欢的菜肴。They seem to be able to just shuck off guilt.他们似乎总能洗脱罪名。In this job you need to be able to take/face/accept criticism.做这项工作,你需要能够承受批评。You used to be able to buy this medicine over the counter, but it is now a prescription drug.你以前能在柜台买到这种药,但它现在是处方药。




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