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词汇 to balance
例句 She's able to balance her career with her family life. = She balances work and family.她能够做到事业与家庭兼顾。You have to balance the pros and cons here. Neither option is perfect.对此你得权衡利弊,两种选择都不完美。I struggle to balance work and family commitments.我努力在工作和家庭责任之间寻求平衡。The plan seeks to balance two important objectives.这个计划试图平衡两大重要目标。Despite Roosevelt's broken promise to balance the budget, he was elected president four times.尽管罗斯福没能履行平衡预算的诺言,但还是四次当选总统。Republicans retorted that the amendment is necessary to balance the budget.共和党反驳说,作出修正是平衡预算所必需的。I find it difficult to balance on one foot.我发现单脚站立很难保持平衡。If you can't find the right colour, this makes trying to balance a painting complicated.如果找不到合适的颜色,想要使油画产生和谐的视觉效果就困难了。The government may have to raise taxes to balance the budget. 政府可能要提高税收来平衡预算。The hospital obviously needs to balance the budget each year.这家医院显然每年都要平衡预算。The party lost because it failed to balance economic growth with social equity.该党因为在经济增长与社会公平之间未能实现平衡而失利。They strained at the ropes to balance the sails.他们用力拉得绳子以保持帆的平衡。The Chancellor has to balance economic realism against political expediency.总理必须对经济现实性和政治合宜性进行权衡。We have to balance good labour relations against the need to cut costs.我们必须实现改善劳资关系和降低成本之间的平衡。She tries to balance the needs of her children with those of her employer.她尽力在孩子的需要与雇主的需要之间求得平衡。My legs straddled to balance myself against the movement of the ship.为在船的摇晃中保持平衡,我叉开双腿。The state has to find a way to balance these two needs.该州需要找到一种办法使这两个需求得到同等重视。He tried to balance his career with the demands of his marriage.他努力兼顾事业和婚姻的需求。The mayor and the town council spent most of Thursday bickering over how to balance next year's budget.市长和市议会星期四大部分时间都在争吵如何平衡明年的预算。As a parent trying to balance home and career, it's very difficult to find time for a social life.为人父母,若是想做到家庭事业都能兼顾,那就很难抽出时间参加社交活动。You have to balance the advantages of living in the city against the disadvantages.你得权衡一下住在城市的好处与坏处。Yoga is designed to balance our inner selves.瑜伽是用来平衡内心的。He's trying to balance on one leg.他试图单腿站立保持平衡。We tried to balance the aerial on top of the TV set, but it kept falling over.我们试图把天线支在电视机上,但它总要掉下来。The Liberals also retracted their promise to balance the budget.自由党人也违背了他们平衡预算的承诺。We'd better ask a few men to the party to balance up the numbers.我们最好叫几个男的去参加晚会,平衡一下男女比例。On the mantelpiece stood a vase and to balance it an ivory figurine.壁炉架上放着一个花瓶,还放着一个象牙小雕像和它对称。She sent a cheque to balance her account.她送去一张支票以还清欠账。The beam is very narrow - you may find it difficult to balance.平衡木很窄—你也许会发觉很难保持平衡。She carefully tried to balance religious sensitivities against democratic freedom.她谨慎地试图对宗教情感和民主自由两者作出权衡。The legislature is still trying to balance the state's budget.立法机构仍在努力使该州预算保持平衡。It's been a struggle to balance my professional and family commitments. 对我而言,平衡好工作和家庭的关系一直是件难事。Getting the two sides of the mobile to balance is tricky.要把这个活动雕塑的两面做得平衡是很困难的。Congress and the President are still at loggerheads over how to balance the federal budget.国会与总统在如何平衡联邦预算的问题上仍然争执不下。The council has said that jobs will have to be cut in order to balance the budget.委员会称必须削减职位以平衡预算。As chairman he was able to balance interests and conciliate conflicts.作为主席,他有能力平衡利益和调停冲突。She's trying to balance an alternative lifestyle with her desire for a career.她试图用对事业的追求平衡一下另类的生活方式。No government so far has been able to balance the number of jobs available with the number of people out of work.至今还没有一届政府能做到使空缺职位的数量正好与失业人数达至平衡。The hospital obviously needs to balance the budget each year.很明显,医院每年都要平衡其收支预算。If the business loses any more money, we won't be able to balance the books this year.如果企业继续亏损,我们今年将难以达到收支平衡。




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