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词汇 to arrest
例句 Massieu remains a free man, despite repeated attempts to arrest him on murder and drug charges.马西厄依然是个自由人,尽管警方多次试图以谋杀和吸毒的罪名逮捕他。When they tried to arrest him, he suddenly went berserk.他们要逮捕他时,他突然狂暴起来。Steps need to be taken quickly to arrest the deterioration in the countries' relations.需要迅速采取行动来阻止国家间关系的恶化。Police stood by to arrest any violent fans.警察时刻准备着逮捕有暴力行为的球迷。If he thought it his duty to arrest me, he'd do it like a shot.如果他认为逮捕我是他的职责,他会毫不迟疑地去做。The government went so far as to try to arrest opposition leaders.政府竟然企图逮捕反对党领导人。One phone call and half the city's police force will be around to arrest you.只要打个电话,警察就会倾城而动过来抓你。When the police tried to arrest him, he became combative.警方试图逮捕他时,他变得好斗起来。The authorities will be legally bound to arrest any suspects.当局负有逮捕所有疑犯的法律责任。The treatment has so far done little to arrest the spread of the cancer.这种疗法到目前为止几乎没能抑制癌细胞的扩散。The medics were unable to arrest the bleeding.这些医护人员无法把血止住。A policeman has the authority to arrest law-breakers.警察有权逮捕犯法的人。Whether or not the government was right to arrest the protesters is an extremely debatable point.政府逮捕抗议者的做法是否正确是极具争议的一点。Off the record, police officers are saying they are more and more unwilling to arrest those found in possession of small amounts of cannabis.私底下,警察说他们越来越不愿意去逮捕那些私藏少量大麻的人了。The sufferer may have to make major changes in his or her life to arrest the disease.患者可能必须对生活习惯作出重大调整以控制病情。The police had probable cause to arrest him.警方有逮捕他的合理依据。At the moment, there's insufficient evidence to arrest anyone.现在证据不充分,不能逮捕任何人。When the police arrived to arrest her, she realized she had been duped.当警察抵达后拘捕她时,她才意识到自己受骗了。The chief priests wanted to arrest Jesus and put him to death.大祭司要逮捕耶稣并处死他。Police officers were briefed before going out to arrest the suspects.警察在出发去逮捕疑犯之前听取了简短的指示。A cut in interest rates failed to arrest the decline in prices.利率的下调没能阻止价格的下跌。The police had insufficient evidence to arrest him.警方还没有充分的证据来拘捕他。Magee was set free but British authorities were asked to arrest him on sight.马吉被释放了,但是英国当局却被要求一见到他就立即逮捕。When police failed to arrest the suspect, local people took the law into their own hands.由于警察没有逮捕嫌疑人,当地的人们便擅自处理。




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