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词汇 Times
例句 What got me interested was looking at an old New York Times.我感兴趣的是看一份旧的《纽约时报》。Times Square is the nexus of the New York subway.时代广场是纽约地铁的交会点。He told his story to the Sunday Times.他向《星期日泰晤士报》讲述了他的遭遇。The Times crossword calls for a certain amount of literary knowledge.《泰晤士报》上的填字游戏需要有一定的文学知识。The New York Times described the withdrawal of troops as a resounding defeat for the government.《纽约时报》称这次撤军是政府的惨败。The Department of Health and a top immunologist have blasted a report in last week's Sunday Times.卫生部和一位知名免疫学家严词抨击了上周《星期日泰晤士报》的一篇报道。Only 'The Times' printed the full text of the President's speech.只有《泰晤士报》刊载了总统演说的全文。He returned to his copy of the Times.他又读起他那份《泰晤士报》来了。She writes for many papers, including the Sunday Times.她给包括《星期日泰晤士报》在内的很多报纸撰稿。The duke's memoirs will be serialised in The Sunday Times.公爵的回忆录将在《星期日泰晤士报》上连载。The New York Times has this very laudatory article about your retirement.《纽约时报》发文谈及你的隐退,文中对你大加赞扬。A leading article in 'The Times' accused the minister of lying.《泰晤士报》的一篇社论指责那名大臣说谎。This article was excerpted from the New York Times.本文摘自《纽约时报》。I rang The Globe with news of Blake's death, and put notices in the personal column of The Times.我给环球剧院打电话告知了布莱克的死讯,然后在《泰晤士报》的私人广告栏登了讣告。She works as a journalist on the Sunday Times.她是《星期日泰晤士报》的记者。She also writes a regular column for the Times Educational Supplement.她也定期为《泰晤士报高等教育增刊》写专栏文章。The Times put the story under a two-column head.《泰晤士报》以双栏标题刊登这篇报道。The Times is a quality newspaper.泰晤士报内容严肃。The leader in today's `Times' criticizes the decision.今天《泰晤士报》的社论批评了这一决定。The biography was titled The Life and Times of Napoleon.这本传记名为《拿破仑的生平与时代》。He had written to The Times and then, much more unacceptably, allowed himself to be interviewed on television.他已写信给《泰晤士报》了,更让人受不了的是居然后来还同意接受电视台采访。He's a journalist for The Times.他是《泰晤士报》的记者。I read Sewell's obituary in The Times.我在《泰晤士报》上读到塞韦尔的讣告。The Sunday Times remains the brand leader by a huge margin.《星期日泰晤士报》仍然是遥遥领先的最畅销报纸。Times are hard for the unemployed.失业者的日子很难熬。The Times sent her to Bangladesh to report on the floods.《泰晤士报》派她去孟加拉报道水灾灾情。I read your brother's obituary in the Times.我在《泰晤士报》上看到了你哥哥的讣告。He has written several articles for The Times.他为《泰晤士报》写了几篇文章。The Tundra Times, a weekly newspaper in Alaska, ceased publication this week.阿拉斯加州周报《苔原时报》本周已经停刊。He was highly praised, and deservedly so, by the Asian Times.他受到了《亚洲时报》的高度赞扬,而他确实当之无愧。He writes for the New York Times.他为《纽约时报》撰稿。She was reading the latest issue of the New York Times.她正在读最新一期的《纽约时报》。The hardback version spent three weeks on the Times bestseller list.此书的精装版在《时代周刊》畅销书排行榜上连续三周榜上有名。The story first appeared in the Times Literary Supplement.这个短篇小说第一次是发表在《泰晤士报文学副刊》上的。The matter of whether or not the Royal Family should pay taxes was first raised in an article in the Times.王室是否应缴税这个问题首先是在《泰晤士报》上的一篇文章中被提出来的。The Times takes a different angle on the story.《泰晤士报》对这条新闻持不同的立场。He was a newspaperman for The New York Times and some other journals.他是《纽约时报》和其他几家报纸的记者。The Times ran a wrap-up under the byline of Walter.《泰晤士报》连续刊载一篇署名为沃尔特的新闻摘要报道。The Times story is based on unimpeachable sources at the highest levels of government.《泰晤士报》的报道基于政府最高层人士透露的消息,来源绝对可靠。The Times leads with the coming mayoral elections.《泰晤士报》以即将开始的市长选举作为头条新闻。




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