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词汇 snuck
例句 She snuck out for a sneaky cigarette.她跑出去悄悄地抽了根烟。She snuck out of the house once her parents were asleep.她父母刚一睡着她就溜出了家门。He smuggled papers out each day, photocopied them, and snuck them back.他每天都把文件偷偷地带出去复印,然后再偷偷地拿回来。Molly snuck around the house.莫莉鬼鬼祟崇地在房子里转来转去。He'd snuck out of America hotly pursued by the CIA.他已悄悄离开了美国,中情局特工一路尾随。My birthday really snuck up on me this year.今年我的生日悄然而至。He snuck a few cookies out of the jar while his mother wasn't looking.他趁妈妈不注意偷偷从罐子里拿了一些饼干。You even snuck me a cigarette.你居然偷偷塞给我一支烟。




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