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词汇 throw away
例句 Just a stone's throw away is the City Art Gallery.不远处就是市美术馆。So when are you going to throw away those old magazines?那么你打算什么时候把那些旧杂志扔掉?I'm not advising you to throw away your makeup or forget about your appearance.我不是建议你扔掉化妆品,或者不修边幅。Keep one cup of the liquid and throw away the surplus.留一杯这种液体,剩余的都倒掉。I should know by now not to throw away the directions until we've finished cooking.现在我知道了不该在饭没做完之前就扔掉烹饪说明。You can throw away the tough outer leaves of the cabbage.你可以把卷心菜外面老的叶子扔掉。Some employers throw away all incorrectly hand-written applications without even reading them.对于书写有误的求职信,一些雇主甚至看也不看就扔掉了。I throw away junk mail without reading it.垃圾邮件我看也不看就处理掉了。Consumers want to close their pocketbooks and throw away their credit cards.顾客们想要合上钱包,扔掉信用卡。Don't throw away unwanted presents - regift them.不要扔掉不需要的礼物,转送他人。Don't throw away these boxes - I might want to use them later.不要扔掉这些盒子—说不定我以后用得着。Sort out any clothes you want to throw away and give them to me.把你打算扔掉的衣服拣出来给我。We throw away all our clothes each year and buy a whole new wardrobe.我们每年把全部衣服扔掉,重置新的。Shall I just throw away these bad apples?我把这些烂苹果扔了好吗?I had to throw away the uneaten food.我只能把没吃的食物扔掉。She lives just a stone's throw away from the beach.她住在海滩边。Don't throw away this opportunity.不要错过这个机会。




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