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Why had Hilton defended him so ardently?.为什么希尔顿如此激动地为他辩护呢?For tickets, contact the Hilton box office.要买票请联系希尔顿售票处。Hilton stepped into the room, fighting to conquer his feelings of disgust.希尔顿走进房间,努力克制自己的厌恶情绪。The words shot from Hilton's mouth.希尔顿把这些话一股脑儿地说了出来。He could hear Hilton's strident voice rising in vehement argument with Houston.他能听到希尔顿在同休斯敦激烈争吵时的咆哮声。To her the Hilton job is bread and scrape.对她说来,希尔顿旅馆的那份工作仅够糊口。A slow hatred for Hilton began to surge up in him.他心里开始对希尔顿渐生恨意。 |