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词汇 three-piece
例句 There is always something better the money can be spent on – a holiday, three-piece suite, upgrading a house. The list is endless.钱总是可以花在更值得花的地方,比如度假、买三件套家具、把房子改造一下等等。例子举不胜举。She wore an elegant three-piece ensemble.她身穿优雅的三件套女服。He was dressed in a three-piece suit with an incongruous tie shaped like a fish.他穿了三件套的西服,戴了一条极不相称的鱼形领带。We bought a three-piece suite for the living room.我们为起居室买了一套三件套家具。I've ordered a new three-piece suite for the living-room.我为客厅订购了一套三件套的新家具。He was a nonconformist in college but now wears a three-piece suit to work every day.他在大学里是个不循规蹈矩的人,但现在每天西服革履地去上班。Today, as usual, he was wearing a three-piece suit.像往常一样,他今天穿的是三件套。




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