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词汇 thirsty
例句 People should understand how thirsty for revenge they are.人们应该理解他们复仇的愿望是多么强烈。If a baby is thirsty, it feeds more often.婴儿要是渴了,就会吃得更频繁。They toiled in the thirsty sun.他们在太阳底下辛苦地干活,口渴难熬。Stands were set up to satisfy the thousands of thirsty people expected at the event.搭起了一些摊位以应对前来参加这次活动的数千名群众的口渴之需。Citizens seem thirsty for any kind of reform.市民们似乎渴望任何形式的改革。Are you thirsty? Do you want some juice?你口渴吗?要不要喝点果汁?The travellers were hot, tired, and thirsty.旅行者们又热又累又渴。Chopping wood is thirsty work.锯木头是重体力活儿。The salty food was making her thirsty.咸的食品使她口渴。Drink whenever you feel thirsty during exercise.运动过程中渴了就喝点水。Digging the garden is thirsty work.在园子里挖地是使人口渴的活儿。Can I have a glass of water? I'm really thirsty.我能喝一杯水吗? 我太渴了。I was so thirsty my tongue was sticking to the roof of my mouth.我口渴极了,舌头都粘到腭壁去了。He'd been working in the garden and was very hot and thirsty.他一直在花园里干活,又热又渴。There's nothing better than a cold drink of water when you're really thirsty.口干舌燥的时候喝一杯凉水是再好不过的了。When a baby is thirsty, it feeds more often.婴儿口渴时吃奶会更多。He said he had talked himself thirsty and asked for a glass of water.他说他讲话讲得口干了,所以要了一杯水喝。The students in our country are thirsty for knowledge.我国的学生有强烈的求知欲。By the time you actually feel thirsty, your body is already slightly dehydrated.等到你感到口渴时,你的身体实际上已经轻度脱水了。If your child is thirsty for learning, then it is senseless to hold her back.如果你的孩子渴望学习,那就不要毫无益处地进行阻拦。I am thirsty. I would like to have a sappy watermelon.我渴了,想吃一个多汁的西瓜。Gardening is thirsty work.园艺活儿会让人口干舌燥。She was suddenly thirsty and dry.她突然口渴了。There are many stories which describe wolves as dangerous, blood-thirsty animals, but actually they prefer to avoid human beings.有许多故事把狼说成是危险而嗜血成性的动物,但实际上它们宁可避开人类。I'm really thirsty – could I have a glass of water?我真的很渴,能给我一杯水喝吗?He was so thirsty that he drank five glasses of water, one after the other.他渴得一杯接着一杯,连喝了五杯水。The thirsty plants drank in the welcome rain.干渴的植物吸收喜人的及时雨。She was so thirsty that she drained her cup.她口渴得厉害,把那一杯全喝了下去。On a hot day, your dog can become very thirsty, so make sure they have plenty of water.大热天你的狗会口渴得很,所以要确保让它们多喝水。I was cold, hungry, and thirsty.我既冷又饿,还很渴。Salty food makes you thirsty.吃咸的食品会令你口渴。Feeling thirsty, he gulped a milkshake.他觉得口渴,一下喝了一杯奶昔。I'll have a beer. Gardening is thirsty work, you know.我想喝杯啤酒。要知道干园艺活可是使人容易口渴的呀。I'm really thirsty. Let's stop for something to drink.我渴极了,我们停下来喝点东西吧。I felt/was hot and thirsty after the basketball game.篮球比赛后我又热又渴。




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