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词汇 They say
例句 They say they're not willing to give any more than they've already offered.他们说就原定的这些钱,不愿意再多给了。They say that time heals all wounds.他们说时间会治愈一切伤口。They say that he would even double-cross his own mother.他们说他甚至会欺骗他自己的母亲。They say she cheated on her taxes.他们说她在纳税问题上弄虚作假。They say he died of a broken heart.他们说他是绝望而死的。They say you should drink at least eight glasses of water a day.他们说一天应至少喝八杯水。They say there's plenty of opportunities out there, you just have to look carefully and you'll find them.他们说,那里机会多的是,你只要仔细找就能发现。They say they want to cut taxes, improve education, blah, blah, blah.他们说他们想降低税收、改进教育等等。They say somebody slit her throat.他们说有人割断了她的喉咙。They say it's bad luck to spill salt.据说把盐弄撒了会有坏运气。They say that a carrot works better than a stick.他们说奖励比惩罚更有效。They say the family law system is loaded against men.他们说家庭法体系对男性不利。They say that talking to yourself is the first sign of madness!据说自言自语是精神错乱的先兆!They say that no matter how a cat falls, it always manages to land on its feet.他们说,不管猫怎么下落,它总能设法四脚着地。They say some monster pike lurk in the big waters of Wabamun.他们说有一只巨型狗鱼潜伏于沃伯门湖辽阔的水域中。They say that another recession is on the cards.他们说很可能又要发生经济衰退。They say things privately, but clam up in public.他们私下会说话,但在大庭广众之前就变得沉默了。They say that he died of a broken heart.他们说他因伤心而死。They say that the Mafia rubbed him out.他们说黑手党把他干掉了。They say that the economy is already coming out of the recession, but the reality is that there has been no improvement at all.他们说经济已经走出低迷,但实际上根本没有好转。They say that she has been all over the world.他们说她到过世界各地。They say the peace process is so heavily weighted against them that it will never achieve results.他们说和平进程对他们十分不利,根本不会取得任何成果。They say things should be better now that they have streamlined application procedures.他们称鉴于他们已经简化了申请手续,情况应该会有所好转。They say the wound's quite deep, and will probably leave a scar.他们说伤口很深,有可能会留下伤疤。They say God told them to go on a mission to the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.他们说上帝要他们到西半球最贫困的国家去传教布道。They say that Tokyo is one of the most expensive cities in the world.他们说东京是世界上物价最高的城市之一。They say they're going to keep her in overnight for observation, then do some tests on her tomorrow.他们说要让她晚上留院观察,然后第二天给她作化验。They say they would like to contribute more to charity.他们说愿意为慈善事业捐助更多的资金。They say that the government is weak and indecisive.他们说政府软弱无能、优柔寡断。They say he's screwing the boss's wife.他们说他和老板的妻子有不正当关系。They say I'm too old, but I'm going to prove them all wrong.他们说我太老了,不过我要证明他们全都错了。They say her husband knocks her about.据说她丈夫虐待她。They say I'm the black sheep of the family because I decided to be an actor.他们说我是家里的败类,因为我决定去当个演员。They say she went mad after her family were killed in a fire.他们说她的家人都在火灾中丧生后,她就发疯了。They say the industry is flat out lying about the effects of deregulation.他们说业界所谓的放宽管制已经取得了成效的说法纯属谎言。They say he's not much cop as a coach.他们说他当教练当得不怎么样。They say that these forests are filled with wild creatures. 他们说这片森林里有许多野兽。They say that the new Argentinian striker will be as good as Maradona.他们说那名新的阿根廷前锋将同马拉多纳一样出色。They say they will stay to rebuild their homes rather than retreat to refugee camps.他们说他们将留下重建家园而不是躲到难民营里。They say they are not going to be hurried into any decision.他们说自己不会被迫仓促作出任何决定。




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