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词汇 they said
例句 They'd never make tucker, they said, on the job.他们说,干这工作难以维持温饱。I don't recall what time they said they would be here.我想不起来他们何时说过会在这里了。I thought of you immediately when they said they wanted someone who could speak English.当他们说想找一个会说英语的人时,我马上想到了你。The office door was open, and I could hear everything they said.办公室的门开着,他们的话我全听到了。When I was a teenager and came out to my parents, they said they already knew I was bi.我十几岁的时候向父母坦白时,他们说已经知道我是双性恋了。Everything they said was just a load of moonshine.他们所说的都是一些无稽之谈。The tribespeople did a special dance, which they said would bring rain.部落成员跳了一种特别的舞蹈,他们说那种舞能招雨。I've been bashed up by people with baseball bats because they said I was thieving on their patch.我被人用棒球球棒打伤了,因为他们说我在他们的地盘上偷东西。Cohabiting couples would regularise their unions, they said.他们说,同居情侣会让他们的结合合法化。The bank wouldn't give me a loan because they said I had a bad credit rating.银行不愿意贷款给我,因为他们说我信用等级差。Any thought of splitting up the company was unthinkable they said.他们说,任何将公司拆分开的想法都是不能接受的。It's not raining now, but they said it might rain later.现在没在下雨,但预报说稍后可能要下雨。The two youths today declined to testify because they said they feared for their safety.这两个年轻人今天拒绝作证,称他们是出于对自身安全的担心。From what I recollect, they said four of them were coming.据我回忆,他们说过他们之中有四个人会来。I couldn't hear everything they said but I got the gist.他们说的我无法全部听到,但我知道了大意。The rebels promised to release their captives unharmed if the government did as they said.叛乱分子答应,要是政府满足他们的要求,他们会不伤害俘虏并放了他们。And they said he'd been held under the water and drowned.据说他被按到水下溺亡了。They all knew I was on their side. At least, that's what they said.他们都知道我站在他们这一边,至少他们是这么说的。It's not that they said no—that's not why I'm upset; it's that they were so rude about it.不是因为他们拒绝了我,我难过的原因不是这个,而是他们表现得如此粗鲁。They came to court with fresh evidence that would, they said, blow the prosecution's case completely out of the water.他们出庭时带来新的证据,他们说这些可以彻底推翻原告的指控。I don't have anything in writing, but they said they expected me to start work Monday.我没有拿到任何书面的东西,但是他们说希望我星期一开始工作。I heard what they said to you, and I think it's a load/pile of crap.我听到他们对你说了什么,我认为那是一派胡言。The men out in the corridor were trying to catch what they said.外面走廊里的人竖起耳朵想听他们说些什么。With time, they said, criticism will fade away.他们说,随着时间推移,批评将会停止。When we met them at the restaurant, they said there had been a change of/in plan.我们在餐馆遇到他们时,他们说计划有变动。The true cost proved to be much higher than they said it would be.真正的花费比他们当时说的高了许多。The finance committee rejected their plan because they said it was too costly.财政委员会说他们的计划成本太大,故加以拒绝。I was listening to the news this morning, but I didn't catch what they said about it.今早我在听新闻,但是说了什么我没有听进去。When they first started, they said they were going to break the mould of British politics.刚开始时他们说他们将打破英国政治的原有格局。When they said I'd won I thought it was a wind-up.当他们说我赢了的时候,我以为是骗人的。What they said was a real knock to my self-confidence.他们的话是对我自信心的一次重大打击。First they said no, but eventually they succumbed.开始时他们说不,但最终他们屈服了。When his prospective employers learned that he smoked, they said they wouldn't hire him.本有可能雇用他的老板们得知他吸烟后,说他们不会雇他。They're going to help us move, or so they said.他们准备帮我们搬家,或者说他们是这么说的。I nearly dropped my glass on the floor when they said I'd won.他们说我赢了时,我差点把杯子掉到地上。Two chemists were talking shop, and I hardly understood a word they said.两位化学家正大谈行话,我简直一点也听不懂。They refused to insure us because they said we're too old.他们拒绝为我们提供保险,因为他们认为我们年纪太大了。




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