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词汇 merchant
例句 He had a job with an Edinburgh wine merchant.他在爱丁堡的一个葡萄酒商那里做过事。John worked as a chef in the merchant navy.约翰在商船队里当厨师。The merchant overreached me in a business deal.那个商人在一笔生意上诈骗我。There's been a big reduction in the size of the British merchant fleet in recent years.近些年来英国商船队伍的规模大为缩减。Her father had been a merchant seaman, absent for much of her childhood.她爸爸曾是商船船员,在她童年的大部分时光里都不在她身边。The new merchant class was anxious for acceptance by the old nobility.新兴的商人阶层渴望得到旧贵族的接纳。During this period of the war, the merchant navies came under increased attack.在战争的这个时期,商船船队受到越来越多的攻击。When he was a young boy he stowed away on a merchant ship headed for China.他还是个小孩时,曾偷乘一艘开往中国的商船。The merchant had poured a pint or so of turbid water into the brass upper chamber.商人把大约一品脱混浊的水倒入上面的黄铜容器里。At the other end of the social scale was the grocer, the village's only merchant.社会等级的另一端是杂货店老板,村里唯一的商人。They sent naval forces to protect merchant shipping.他们派出了海军保护商船。The merchant took time by the forelock, and was the first in the market with new goods.商人抓住时机,第一个在市场上出售新货。The merchant banks raise capital for industry. They don't actually put it up themselves.商业银行为产业界募集资金。事实上他们自己并不出资。Our merchant ships are always undermanned.我们的商船老是缺员。The merchant marines suffered a higher casualty rate than any branch of the armed services.商船遭受的人员损失比任何兵种都大。He traded as a tobacco merchant.他是做烟草生意的商人。He is a merchant by occupation.他的职业是经商。His father is a timber merchant.他父亲是木材商。The main function of the merchant banks is to raise capital for industry.商业银行的主要职能是为产业融资。His son has joined the merchant navy.他的儿子去当商船船员了。There were heavy losses in Britain's merchant tonnage during the Battle of the Atlantic.在大西洋海战中英国的商船遭受了巨大的损失。The merchant received a large order for coal.那商人接到一份要求大量供应煤炭的定单。This is a merchant bank.这是个商业银行。Any knowledgeable wine merchant would be able to advise you.任何一个懂行的葡萄酒商人都可以给你提出建议。Her new boyfriend is a snide merchant.她的新男友是个奸商。The rich merchant entertains his guests on a lavish scale.富商以华筵款待宾客。




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