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词汇 mercies
例句 We should be grateful/thankful for small mercies. 对于点滴恩惠我们也应心存感激。She has performed countless small mercies for her friends and neighbours.他为朋友和邻居们做过无数琐碎的好事。She wasn't badly hurt in the accident, so we're grateful for small mercies.她在事故中没有受重伤,我们觉得这已经很让人庆幸了。We were left to the tender mercies of the local police.我们任凭当地警察摆布。But so low has morale sunk that the team and the fans would have been grateful for small mercies.士气如此低沉,一丁点的好运都会让队员和球迷庆幸不已。We thank the Lord for all his mercies.我们感谢主赐给我们的一切恩惠。Thank heaven for small mercies.感谢上苍对我们的眷顾。I suppose we should be grateful for small mercies.我觉得我们应该庆幸情况还不算太糟。As the army retreated, the people were left to the mercies of the advancing enemy.由于军队撤退了,老百姓对进攻的敌人无力抵抗。I left him to the tender mercies of his mother.我就任由他妈妈收拾他了。She wasn't too badly hurt, so we should be thankful for small mercies.她伤得不太重,我们应该感到庆幸。




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