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词汇 不那么
例句 The nurses at the hospital were pleasant and chatty, and they made me feel less nervous.这医院里的护士既友善又健谈,她们让我感觉不那么紧张了。Nuclear weapons will play a less prominent part in NATO's armoury in the future.今后核武器在北约武器装备中所起的作用将不那么显著。The dark colours are balanced by the brightness of the walls.明亮的墙壁使这些深色调显得不那么暗淡。My handwriting isn't very legible.我写的字不那么好认。He's not his own man since his mother-in-law came to stay!他自从岳母来了以后可就不那么自由啦!This type of work will tend to be less concentrated and more discursive and declamatory.这种作品往往会不那么凝练,而是更加不着边际、更加夸夸其谈。Our managers claim the new system will increase efficiency but I don't accept that.我们的经理说新的制度将提高我们的效率,可我却不那么认为。What can we do to make the experience less frightening?我们怎样才能使这事儿不那么吓人呢?He expected me to do something to ameliorate his depression.他希望我做点什么好让他不那么沮丧。I may not be of much importance now, but I've had my moments.也许我现在的地位不那么重要了,不过我也曾显赫一时呢。Fair enough, you didn't have a perfectly happy childhood: but your childhood is over now.没错,你的童年生活不那么幸福:但它已经过去了。The stain wasn't really noticeable.这个污点其实不那么明显。The actual damage to the brain cells is secondary to the damage caused to the blood supply.与对血液供应的损害相比,对大脑细胞的实际损害不那么严重。Phil was now much more independent of his parents.菲尔现在不那么依赖父母了。I wish she wouldn't act so cheap.她的行为不那么卑鄙就好了。The logo was still visible but less obtrusive this time in beige.标识这次改用米色,不那么扎眼但也能看清。Many felt that the money spent amounted to overkill, and that a cheaper, less glossy advertising campaign would have been just as effective.许多人觉得这么高的花费太过分了,花钱少一点的、不那么浮华的广告宣传会同样有效。His worries have lightened somewhat.他已经不那么忧虑了。She was well informed over textual matters yet less clued-up when it came to interpretation.她对文本非常了解,然而对解读就不那么熟悉了。The joke began to wear thin when you heard it too many times.这个笑话因为听的遍数太多变得不那么吸引人了。 Some northern gangsters had set up their own drug baronies in the south because the competition was less fierce.北方的一些黑帮在南方建立了自己的贩毒王国,因为南方竞争不那么激烈。I think the joke's wearing a bit thin now.我觉得这个笑话已经有点儿不那么好笑了。Friendly matches were less well supported.友谊赛不那么受大众欢迎。He's not so high and mighty now that he needs our help.由于有求于我们,他不那么趾高气扬了。If you weren't so impetuous you wouldn't have lost your job.你如果不那么鲁莽,就不会丢了工作。A joke loses somewhat of its fun when you hear it the second time.当你第二遍听一个笑话的时候它就不那么逗了。She wore red but chastened the effect with stockings and gloves of pure white.她身穿红衣服,但是纯白的长袜和手套使效果不那么张扬。The amount doesn't seem quite so bad when you break it down into monthly payments.当你把总数分成每月支付的款项,这个数额看起来就不那么可怕了。We don't see each other so often now.如今我们不那么经常见面了。The damage to the brain cells is secondary to the damage caused to the blood supply.比起对血液供应造成的损害,对脑细胞的损害不那么严重。When you become a parent the things you once cared about seem to have less value.一旦你为人父母,你曾经在意的那些事情就显得不那么重要了。A career was less easy once I was lumbered with a husband and children.我一旦有了丈夫和孩子的拖累,事业的发展就不那么容易了。Perhaps you should wear something a little less showy.也许你该穿一些不那么花哨的衣服。Since I have become a mother, the sound of children's voices has lost its charm.自打我做了母亲后,孩子们的声音就不那么动听了。The new Administration seems to be less doctrinaire in its approach to economic problems.新政府在对待经济问题的态度上似不那么教条。Jet travel has made moving from place to place less of an ordeal.乘飞机旅行使人们感到从一个地方到另一个地方不那么折磨人了。Racial discrimination still exists, only now it's subtler than it once was.种族歧视仍然存在,只是比起以前来说不那么明显了。Are you going out to search for it at this time of night? It seems hardly sensible.你打算夜里这个时候出去找吗?这好像不那么明智。His arrogance is softened by a good sense of humor. 他的幽默感使他的傲慢态度不那么让人讨厌了。Passing the final examination is going to be the real bastard.通过期末考试确实不那么容易。




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