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例句 The nation may have to recur to unusual methods of controlling rising prices.国家可能不得不采用控制物价上涨的非常措施。Julia's third child had to be delivered by caesarean section.朱莉娅生第三个孩子时,不得不采用剖腹产。The police should have been able to deal with the situation without applying force.警方本应能够不采用武力就控制住局面。The last government, in its infinite wisdom, decided not to introduce the measure.上一届政府,以其无尽的智慧,决定不采用这项措施。No doubt most contributory members do not adopt such measures.难怪大部分捐助者都不采用这样的方法。The government decided against using force to break-up the demonstrations.政府决定不采用武力驱散示威游行。




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