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例句 They rattled through the rest of the meeting.他们把会议余下的议程匆匆过了一遍。James is streets ahead of the rest of the class at reading.詹姆斯在阅读方面远远超过班里的其他同学。Tina was shocked when she heard she was not being promoted, but it came as no surprise to the rest of us.蒂娜听说自己没有被提升很是吃惊,可是我们其他人对此并不感到意外。Just drop me here – I can walk the rest of the way.就送我到这里吧,剩下的路我可以走过去。Hugh wiped the rest of the blood off his face with his handkerchief.休用手帕擦去脸上残留的血迹。The price of oil should remain stable for the rest of the year.年内油价应该会保持稳定。Even with an injured elbow, he went/lasted the distance and pitched the rest of the game.虽然他肘部受伤,但还是坚持在余下的比赛中担任投手。The alternation of sun and snow continued for the rest of our holiday.我们剩余的假期里依旧时而晴天时而下雪。The region was extremely beautiful. Nonetheless Gerard could not imagine spending the rest of his life there.那个地区非常漂亮,然而杰拉德却无法想象自己要在那里度过余生。The island was cut off from the rest of the world.这个岛过去与世界其他地区是完全隔绝的。The head joins on the rest of the toy with wire.玩具的头部与其余部分由金属线相连。He found it difficult to keep up with the rest of the class.他发现很难跟上班上的其他同学。Jackson's torn ligaments will keep him out of action for the rest of the season.杰克逊韧带拉伤,这个赛季剩余的比赛他都不能参加了。We had to abandon the car and walk the rest of the way.我们只好弃车,走完剩下的路。My proposal was met with derisory laughter from the rest of the team.我的提议遭到了小组其他成员的嘲笑。And now for a look at the travel situation in the rest of the country.现在再来看一下我国其他地方的旅游情况。We've opened up stores in the UK and we hope to do the same in the rest of Europe.我们在英国开了商店,希望在欧洲其他地方也这样做。The soldiers had to remain in a deathtrap salient for most of the rest of the war.随后的战争中,士兵们大部分时间只能呆在最危险的突出阵地里。His opinion jarred with the rest of the class.他的意见与班里其他同学不一致。The rest of the group lay up for the rest of the day and the following night.小组里的其他人当天剩余时间及第二天晚上都在那里闲着无事。Read on to find out the rest of the story.继续读下去,看看故事其余部分在讲什么。He has my son's blood on his hands. I hope it haunts him for the rest of his days.他手上沾了我儿子的血。我咒他余生不得安宁。Her scores compare well with those of the rest of the class.与班上其他同学相比,她的分数算是不错的。For the rest of the morning he searched aimlessly through the town.上午余下的时间里,他在镇上漫无目标地四处搜寻。She went shopping and spent the rest of her money on dinner.她去购物并把剩下的钱花用在了吃饭上。We're going to be left behind by the rest of the world.我们将落后于世界其他国家。She felt she did more work than the rest of the team put together.她觉得自己做的工作比团队其他人加起来的都多。She froze the rest of the raspberries.她把剩下的覆盆子冷冻起来。England's players would be left at a disadvantage against those of the rest of the world.与世界其他地区的运动员相比,英格兰的运动员将处于不利境地。She quickly swallowed the rest of her coffee.她迅速地咽下剩余的咖啡。Her unhappy face remained with me throughout the rest of my journey.余下的旅程中她的愁容一直留在我心里。The tour guides shepherded the rest of the group onto the bus.导游把团队中的其他人带上了公共汽车。Who leads Canada is also of some import to the rest of the world.由谁来领导加拿大对世界上的其他国家也具有重大意义。She lived the rest of her life in Vienna.她在维也纳度过了余生。Opening remarks are important since they set the tone for the rest of the interview.开场白很重要,因为它为随后的访谈确定了基调。We divided up the rest of the pie between us.余下的馅饼我们分着吃了。I stumbled sideways before landing flat on my back, much to the amusement of the rest of the lads.让其他小伙子们笑不可支的是,我被绊了一跤,身子一歪,结果仰面摔倒在地。He returned to Chicago, and made it his base for the rest of his life.他回到了芝加哥,在那里度过了余生。He was locked up in solitary for the rest of his days.他被终生单独监禁。She always found it difficult to keep up with the rest of the class.她总觉得要跟上班里的其他同学有困难。




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