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词汇 therapist
例句 No responsible therapist will claim to cure your insomnia.任何一位负责任的治疗专家都不会声称可以治好你的失眠症。Just as your therapist engages to be honest, you have to engage to be honest as well.正如你的治疗师保证实话实说一样,你也必须保证说实话。The therapist was clearly aligned with the parents during this exploratory session.在这次探查性的治疗过程中,治疗师显然对家长表示支持。The therapist suggested how Tony could cope with his problems.治疗师就托尼如何处理其问题提出了建议。If you have the chance to spill your problems out to a therapist it can be a very liberating experience.如果能有机会向治疗师倾诉自己的烦恼,你将会体验到一种如释重负的解脱感。It is your prerogative to stop seeing that particular therapist and find another one.你有权不再去看那个治疗师而另找一个。The counsellor referred her to another therapist.咨询指导让她去看另一位治疗专家。From the observation booth, we watched Ted and his therapist through the one-way glass.我们在观察室透过单向玻璃注视着特德和他的治疗师。I'm seeing my therapist on Friday morning.周五上午我要去找我的治疗医生。Shop around a little bit before you choose a therapist.选定治疗专家之前要多看看,比较一下。His doctor recommended this therapist.他的医生推荐这位治疗专家。A therapist can encourage patients to express their anxieties.治疗专家能鼓励病人说出心中的焦虑。This led the therapist to question Jim about his parents and their marriage.这让治疗专家问起了吉姆有关他父母及他们婚姻的情况。A speech-therapist cured his stammer.一位言语矫治师治愈了他的口吃。It's almost inevitable that the client will form a very close bond with the therapist.病人与治疗专家之间会建立一种非常紧密的关系,这几乎是不可避免的。The therapist must treat the cause of the problem, thereby ensuring the symptoms do not return.治疗专家必须从病根上着手治疗,以确保此类症状不会复发。The basic course does not qualify you to practise as a therapist.这门基础课程并不能让你获得治疗师的从业资格。I used to visit a speech therapist every week because I had a stammer.我以前有口吃,每个星期都要去看言语治疗师。He works with a therapist to improve his speech.他和治疗专家一起改进他的语言能力。It is essential to feel at ease with your therapist.在治疗师面前放松下来是很重要的。My therapist has been working with me on my anger.我的心理分析医生在帮我治疗我的愤怒情绪。Ask your doctor to recommend a suitable therapist.让你的医生给你推荐一个合适的治疗专家。The therapist will correlate all the information.治疗师将把所有的信息关联起来。As a therapist he has to follow a very strict code of ethics.作为一名治疗专家,他得遵守严格的道德准则。The therapist hypnotized him and asked him questions about his traumatic experiences in the war.治疗师对他催眠,询问他有关战争中惨痛经历的问题。A physical therapist is on duty in the fitness center from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m.下午七点到九点健身中心会有一位理疗师值班。We saw the therapist four times, and the children have now settled down.我们去治疗专家那里看了四次,现在孩子们已经平稳下来。The therapist can meet with the spouse on alternate weeks.治疗师每隔一周可以与配偶见一次面。The approach was pioneered by American therapist Dr Bruce Fisher.最先运用该方法的是美国临床治疗学家布鲁斯·费希尔医生。If you are uncomfortable with your counsellor or therapist, you must discuss it.如果面对咨询顾问或治疗师时你觉得不自在,一定要提出来。He saw his therapist regularly when he was going through his divorce.在离婚的整个过程中,他都定期去看他的个人心理医生。The therapist will tailor-make the session for you.治疗师会为你量身定制疗程。The therapist is called upon to bear witness to a crime.治疗师被要求给一起罪案作证。My massage therapist always plays New Age music to help me relax.我的按摩医师总是放些新时代音乐来帮助我放松。The therapist gave me a massage to ease the pain.治疗师给我按摩以减轻疼痛。My therapist helped me feel my anger.我的治疗专家帮助我感受自己的怒气。Some people need a therapist to help them on the journey of self-understanding.有些人需要一位心理治疗师来帮助他们了解自我。Her therapist hopes to improve her coping skills.她的治疗师希望提高她的应对能力。When I started seeing my therapist, I was suffering from very low self-esteem.我开始看治疗师时,自尊心极弱。




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