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词汇 the past
例句 Press reports revealed that ozone levels in the upper atmosphere fell during the past month.新闻报道透露上层大气的臭氧浓度在上个月有所下降。We want to redress some of the injustices of the past.我们想矫正过去的一些冤案。The accomplishments of the past year have been extraordinary.过去一年的成就非同寻常。Scores on standardized tests have been steadily falling over the past ten years.标准化考试的分数在过去十年里逐渐下降了。Don't worry about it-it's all in the past now.不要再为之担心了,现在一切都过去了。Bits and pieces of the past raced through her mind.往昔的点点滴滴涌上她的心头。Stop worrying about the past and live in the present.别再为过去烦恼,好好地过眼前的日子。He should learn from the mistakes of the past. We have been here before.他应该从过去的错误中吸取教训。我们有过同样的经历。Police believe they have found the man responsible for a series of car thefts in the past year.警方相信他们已经找到过去一年里发生的一连串盗车案的涉案男子。British Rail has indeed become more commercial over the past decade.英国铁路公司在过去的十年间确实变得更加商业化了。The popularity of sports coverage has increased immeasurably over the past few years.过去几年来,体育新闻报道的受欢迎程度大大提高了。I think it's time to break with the past and rewrite the constitution.我认为现在是摒弃传统,重写宪法的时候了。The story weaves together the past and present in surprising ways.故事出人意料地将过去和现在编织在一起。The article recounted the events of the past year.这篇文章叙述了过去一年中发生的重大事件。There has been a sevenfold increase in membership in the past year.去年会员人数增加到原来的七倍。Memories from the past came flooding back to him.过去的记忆如潮水般涌现。Pliant judges have been a problem in the past.法官没有主见在过去一直是个问题。The new mayor promised to declassify all the past documents after he took office.新任的市长上任之后答应将所有过去的文件解密。Over the past three years he has had little contact with his daughter.过去三年里,他与女儿没什么联系。There were several horse-drawn carriages, as a nostalgic reminder of the past.那里有几辆马车,让人回想过去,激起怀旧之情。In the past the exam had been overemphasized.过去,考试受到了过分的重视。Evolution can explain the past, but it can never predict the future.进化能解释过去,但永远无法预知未来。The new CEO has really turned the company around in the past year.新任首席执行官在过去的一年确实使公司有了起色。Fifteen formal complaints have been made about the hospital in the past year.过去一年里有十五起对这家医院的正式投诉。In the past, navigation depended on a knowledge of the positions of the stars.过去,导航在很大程度上依靠对星星位置的认识。Hand tools are relics of the past that have now been superseded by the machine.手工工具是历史的遗物,现在已经被机器所取代。I can't wash out the memory of the past.我不能抹去过去的记忆。In the past, women always rode sidesaddle.在过去,女人骑马时总是侧骑。The Treasury had been taking a great deal of stick over the past year.财政部在过去一年内备受指责。 Trade has been slack for the past year,but it is now picking up.一年来生意一直不景气,不过现在好起来了。You must take her tales of the past with a grain of salt.她所讲的自己的身世你决不可全信。His favorability ratings have slipped over the past several days.他的支持率近日有所下降。It's no use sorrowing over the bad times of the past. Look forward to the future.对过去的不幸时光神伤是无用的,要向前看。His fear of travelling is a thing of the past.他害怕旅行已经是陈年旧事了。The first thing they must do is disentangle themselves from the past.他们的第一要务是要走出过去。Thanks to the wonders of modern science, many common diseases will soon be things of the past.多亏了现代科学的奇迹,许多常见病很快就会得到根治。There had been some unpleasantness between them in the past.他们两人之间曾有过一些芥蒂。It's no good living in the past. You have to get on with your life.沉浸在过去没有好处。你得继续生活下去。The factory has been lying/sitting/standing idle for the past year.工厂过去一年一直闲置着。If you take a look over the past few years, it's not unusual.如果你回顾一下过去的几年,这并非异常。




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