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She had nothing but scorn for those who got themselves into debt.他对负债的人只有蔑视。The team fought hard and gave a good account of themselves.这支队伍奋力拼搏,表现出色。They are finding themselves increasingly isolated within the teaching profession.他们发现自己在教师圈中变得越来越孤立了。Girls do better on open-ended tasks that require them to think for themselves.女孩子更擅长需要独立思考的开放式任务。Some Leeds players had drunk stupidly and misconducted themselves.利兹队的一些球员愚蠢地喝醉酒、作出不当举止。Mom and Dad will be beside themselves with worry.爸爸和妈妈会担心死的。Representatives were chosen by the students from among themselves.代表由学生互选产生。The runners saved their energy for the last lap. = The runners saved themselves for the last lap.运动员为最后一圈保存体力。Soon the villagers couldn't afford to buy food for themselves.很快村民们就买不起口粮了。The city's wealth allows drug traffickers to live a comfortable lifestyle without drawing attention to themselves.这个城市的富庶使贩毒分子生活得悠然自得,丝毫不会引起别人的注意。Children may find it easier to express themselves in a letter than in a formal essay.孩子们可能觉得在书信中比在正式的作文中更容易表达自己的观点。The trees will propagate themselves by the reproduction of their seed.这些树将透过种子的再生而自行繁殖。Students barricaded themselves in the cafeteria to protest university policies.学生们把自己关在自助餐厅里以此抗议学校的政策。I don't care if people who drink and drive kill themselves - what worries me is that they might kill someone else.我才不担心那些酒后驾车的人会丧命呢,我担心的是他们可能会撞死别人。Why were these two small children wandering about all by themselves?为什么这两个小孩独自四处游荡呢?Models find themselves wearing sexually provocative clothing.模特们发现自己的穿着妖冶撩人。Primeval clouds of gas formed themselves into stars.原生气团形成了恒星。The dead revealed themselves to her.那些死者对她显了灵。People thoroughly enjoyed themselves.人们玩得十分高兴。It helps them detach themselves from their problems and become more objective.这有助于他们从所面临的问题中跳出来,变得更客观。The most intractable pain often occurs when the nerves themselves are damaged.神经本身受损时,常会出现最难治愈的疼痛。These young men regard themselves as the agents of change.这些男青年认为自己是变革的媒介。They sheltered themselves under a rock.他们隐蔽在岩石下。Let's turn to the books themselves.让我们回到书本身吧。They try to portray themselves as the victims.他们试图把自己描述成受害者。They've arrogated to themselves the power to change the rules arbitrarily.他们僭取权力,肆意改变规定。They would not intervene against the rebels themselves.他们自己不会插手反对叛乱分子。Plants set seed in order to perpetuate themselves.植物结种子以延续生命。The tears renewed themselves in a great burst.泪水又一下子夺眶涌出。They expatriated themselves and live in Europe.他们放弃原国籍,现居欧洲。The two men decided to discover the truth for themselves.这两个人决心自己去找出事实真相。In a culture that too often lacks perspective, these cartoons give Americans the chance to laugh at themselves.在一种通常缺乏思想深度的文化中,这些漫画给了美国人一个自我解嘲的机会。Those people who took up weapons to defend themselves are political prisoners.那些拿起武器自卫的人是些政治犯。They weren't bothered – in fact they were killing themselves laughing.他们并不在意,事实上他们还笑得要死呢。We need experienced hands. Ideas just don't accomplish themselves.我们需要有经验的老手,光有主意并不能成事。They had stopped by a spring to refresh themselves.他们曾在一处泉边停歇休息。Young athletes think of themselves as invincible.年轻的运动员自认为是战无不胜的。The party went down/like a bomb , and everybody enjoyed themselves.聚会很成功,每个人都很尽兴。They really fancy themselves after only one hit song!仅仅一首歌走红后,他们就真的自以为了不起了!You can't expect people who are in a class by themselves to be reasonable.你可不能指望那些独具一格的人做事都是合情合理的。 |