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词汇 themes
例句 Movie music can be made memorable because its themes are repeated throughout the film.电影音乐要想让人记住不难,因为它的主旋律贯穿影片始终。The architect has incorporated Egyptian and Renaissance themes in the building's design.建筑师在这幢大楼的设计中吸收了埃及和文艺复兴时期的主题。The movie dealt with the same old jaded themes of revenge and murder.这部影片采用复仇和谋杀这种老一套的陈腐题材。A sharp-eyed reader will notice the book's repeating themes.敏锐的读者会注意到书中重复的主题。Recent government campaigns have hammered away at these themes.近来政府举办的几次活动反复强调了这些主题。The artists explored common themes.这些艺术家探讨了相同的主题。There are two major themes to be drawn out in this discussion.这次讨论中有两大主题需要详细探讨。One of the themes of the book is the relationship between people and nature.这本书的其中一个主题是人与自然的关系。The two themes are interwoven throughout the poem.两个主题在整首诗中交织在一起。The same themes run through all her novels.同样的主题贯穿于她所有的小说。The play resonates with contemporary themes.这出戏充满了当代主题。Evelyn Waugh came to Wilson's defence and acknowledged the brilliance of the book's themes.伊夫林·沃站出来为威尔逊辩护,认为这部小说的主题非同凡响。George Eliot shows real concern for religious and moral themes.乔治·艾略特对宗教和道德这两个主题表示极大的关注。Paintings representing religious themes were common in medieval times.表现宗教主题的绘画作品在中世纪很常见。Adventures are popular themes in children's books.冒险故事是儿童读物中最受青睐的主题。Several familiar themes emerged from the discussion.讨论中出现了几个熟悉的主题。Colours and looks must fit the themes of the seasons so that the shops co-ordinate well.颜色和外观必须符合季节的主题,这样各个商家看起来才会比较协调。Researchers identified themes from the content analysis of interviews.研究者从采访的内容中分析出几个主题。Recent advertising campaigns from the industry have hammered at these themes.该行业最近的广告宣传活动一直在反复强调这些主题。The playwright skillfully brings together various themes.这位剧作家巧妙地把各种主题串在了一起。In one of his paintings his genius for bringing realism and vitality to mythological themes reached its fullest expression.在他的一幅画里,他那把神话题材处理得真实生动的才华得到了最充分的体现。This Sibelius symphony sounded deep and dark in its thoughts, gigantic in its climaxes, and stirring in its grand themes.这部西贝柳斯的交响曲听上去思想深邃莫测,高潮处气势恢宏,主题动人心魄。His latest work is an expansion of themes foreshadowed in his earlier plays.他最近的作品是对其早期剧作中所预示的主题的延伸。His music unifies traditional and modern themes.他的音乐结合了传统和现代的主题。Her latest novel seems at first sight to be a reworking of similar themes.她最新的那部小说乍一看像是以主题类似的作品改编成的。Most of the essays appear to be variations on a few central themes.这些文章大多数都像是几个中心主题的变异。One of his main themes is the dissimilarity between parents and children.他的主题之一就是父母和孩子的不同之处。The themes get tangled in Mr. Mahfouz's epic storytelling.马赫福兹先生讲述的故事过于宏大,主题有些混乱了。The themes in the novel are closely entwined.小说中的几个主题紧密相连。The album focuses on themes of love and loss.这张专辑的主题是爱与失去。The story is structured around several main themes.故事是围绕着几个主题叙述的。One of the main themes of TQM is employee involvement.全面质量管理的主题之一是员工参与。Eastern themes superimposed onto Western architecture.东方主题融入了西方建筑中。Its lyrics retread the themes of guns, murder, robbery and drugs.这首歌的歌词重复了枪支、谋杀、抢劫、毒品这几个主题。The two themes are inextricably interwoven in the book.这两个主题在书中交错缠结。The film is rated R for language and adult themes.这部影片因为语言和成人题材而被定为限制级。The novel deals with grand themes, but is never heavy or pretentious.这部小说探讨的是重大主题,但它决不沉闷也不矫饰。The novel is really a set of interlinked themes.这小说确实是由一系列相互连接的主题组成的。




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