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词汇 them
例句 People like them are a dying breed. 像他们那样的人现在不多见了。He listened to them, affecting a concerned interest.他装作饶有兴趣地听他们讲话。The mayor is leading us down a/the primrose path by refusing to maintain the roads and only repairing them after they fail.市长平时不注重道路的维护,等坏了才维修,这是带领我们得过且过,走向灾难。The car came towards them at low speed, and then someone leaned out the back window and started shooting.汽车慢慢朝他们驶来,然后有人从后窗探出身子开始射击。All the other parties ganged up to keep them out of power.其他政党全部联合起来使他们无法掌权。They have skills and qualities which make them highly valuable.他们有技术,有素质,是难得的人才。All of them were being swept towards oblivion.他们都正在从人们脑海中消失。We're trying to nudge them towards a practical solution.我们正在努力促使他们找出一种切实可行的解决方法。She kissed them and exclaimed at how well they looked.她亲吻了他们,大赞他们气色好。Her capabilities were always there; all she needed was an opening to show them.她一直都很有能力;她需要的只是一次展示才华的机会。He proclaimed his fellow-feeling with workers, and denounced plutocrats and the idle rich in terms which caused them alarm.他声明了自己对工人的同情,并谴责了财阀和游手好闲的富人,其言辞之厉令这些人惶惶不安。A car roared towards them, its headlights blazing.一辆闪着耀眼前灯的车向他们呼啸而来。The president said illegal drugs are hurting the entire world and anyone who traffics in them should be brought to justice.总统称毒品正在危害整个世界,任何非法贩卖毒品的人都应依法受到惩处。She hurried home to tell them the news.她匆匆回家告诉他们这一消息。I'm glad they got caught. That will teach them a lesson! 我很高兴他们被抓了,这会给他们一次教训!Bring them in here and do a dog and pony act.把他们带到这儿来,搞一次盛大表演。He could always come up with a reason for them to linger another month.他总能想出个理由来让他们再耽上一个月。I thanked them for the many kindnesses they showed me.我感谢他们对我的许多帮助。Sue managed to quiet them both down and eventually stopped the argument.休终于让他们俩都平静了下来,最后停止了争吵。Stop croaking about your problems and do something to solve them.别为你的那些问题发牢骚,设法去解决它们吧。Phone and tell them you've got an upset stomach.打电话告诉他们说你肠胃不适。The properties were eventually demolished because it had become uneconomical to continue maintaining them.这些房产由于继续保养的代价太高而最终被拆毁。I said I would help them - I can't let them down.我说过要帮他们的,我不能让他们失望。They will be set targets, with a carrot of extra cash and pay if they achieve them.他们将被规定目标,如果他们完成,会得到额外的现金和报酬好处。Effective marketing means getting the punters to buy what you want them to buy.有效营销意味着引导顾客购买你想让他们买的东西。We posted the wedding invitations in batches, rather than sending them all out at the same time.我们分批邮寄婚礼请柬,而不是同时寄出。I did not feel sympathetic towards / toward them.对他们我不觉得同情。She evinced no surprise at seeing them together.她看到他们在一起并未表露出惊讶。They took the best submissions and compiled them in a single issue of the magazine.他们采用了最好的稿件,把它们汇编成一期杂志单独发行。The men said they had no problems taking orders from women senior to them in rank.那些男性称,听从比他们级别高的女性没有问题。Mary's family were so pleased that they put an announcement in the local paper to thank them.玛丽的家人很高兴,就在当地的报纸上登了一则启事来感谢他们。I told them to look me up if they came to town.我告诉他们如果来镇上就到我这里来坐坐。There aren't enough tents to shelter them all.没有足够的帐篷供他们容身。When they offered me the job I told them they could stuff it.当他们给我提供这份工作时,我告诉他们我没兴趣。Using them without asking permission is a bit of a liberty, to put it mildly.未经同意擅自使用这些东西,说得轻一些,有点失礼。Rising demand tends to push prices up, and falling demand pushes them down.需求增加往往促使价格上涨,而需求减少促使价格下跌。She showed them the way to the door.她把他们带到了门口。The bullet slammed into the ceiling, spraying them with bits of plaster.子弹砰地射进了天花板,掉落的石膏碎片落了他们一身。It was his indispensable duty to help them.帮助他们,他责无旁贷。Unless there is evidence to the contrary, we ought to believe them.除非有相反的证据,否则我们就应该相信他们。




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