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词汇 the forces
例句 They have had to fight against the forces of reaction.他们不得不同反动势力进行斗争。Embedded journalists travel and live with the forces, and are more or less under their control.随军记者的住与行都和军队在一起,或多或少受军队控制。The cliff was gradually eroded by the forces of nature.峭壁在自然力的作用下逐渐风化。Most of the able-bodied young men were in the forces.大多数体格强壮的年轻人都参军了。Poverty and ignorance, the bishop said, were the forces of evil in our society today.主教说,贫穷和无知给我们当今社会带来极大的危害。When the forces of our two parties are conjoined together, we may stand a chance of winning the general election.当我们两党的力量融合在一起的时候,我们就可能赢得大选。The men had to pit themselves against the forces of nature.那些男人不得不与大自然的力量对抗。The general surveyed the forces arrayed against him.将军查看了敌军的部署情况。We are still being attacked by the forces of evil.我们仍在遭受邪恶势力的攻击。We will be studying the forces that govern the Earth's climate.我们将研究影响地球气候的诸要素。He called for a war against the forces aligned against his country.他号召向那些联合起来对抗他的国家的军事力量开战。He's always loved pitting his skills against the forces of nature.他总喜爱用自己的技能与大自然展开较量。The patriotic song conjured up the spirit of the forces.这首爱国歌曲像有魔力似地激起了军队的士气。There has been a suggestion that the forces in Lebanon should disarm.有人建议应解除黎巴嫩部队的武装。The wartime cabinet first recruited men into the forces from non-essential industries.战时内阁首先从非重点工业中招募人员补充武装力量。The ancient Greeks personified the forces of nature as gods and goddesses.古希腊人将各种自然力视为众神的化身。Her forces were ranged just outside Edinburgh, against the forces of the confederate lords.她的军队就排列在爱丁堡城外,与贵族盟军对垒。The more senior you become in the forces, the more likely you are to end up in a desk job.在部队里级别越高,最后就越有可能去做文职工作。The ceasefire leaves a lot to the goodwill of the forces involved.停火协议的执行很大程度取决于各方武装力量的意愿。They are whirled round in huge machines to get them used to the forces they will experience in space flight.他们被放入巨大的机器中旋转,以使他们适应在航天飞行中将经受的各种力。




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