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Money-wise, of course, I'm much better off than I used to be.在钱上面,我当然比以前要富有得多。Three in every five interviewed felt that the Budget was neutral and they would be no better off.五分之三的受访者觉得该预算案不好不坏,他们的境况不会好到哪里去。You're better off at that hotel; they're civil to you in there.你住在那个旅馆里比较幸运,那里的人礼貌待客。The better off he became, the less he thought about other people.他生活过得越优裕,就越少考虑其他人。They would be far better off, materially and emotionally, if they all pulled together.如果他们所有人都团结一致,他们在物质上和感情上的境况都将大为改善。Materially, of course, we're better off.当然,从物质方面来讲,我们是更富裕了。Since my husband was made the manager, we are better off.自从我的丈夫被任命为经理以来,我们的境况好转了。He'd be better off with a new job.换个新工作,他的境遇会得到改善。In terms of money he was no better off.说到钱,他并不富裕。Obviously we're better off now that we're both working.现在我俩都工作,经济状况显然比以前好了。Their stance seems to be that a baby or child is better off in its country of birth.他们似乎认为婴儿或者小孩还是呆在自己出生的国家为好。The ferry takes about eight hours! You'd be better off going by plane.坐渡轮要八个小时!你还是坐飞机去好了。You might be better off in a different career.如果从事一个不同的职业,你也许会更富有。In terms of money, I was better off in my last job.就挣钱而言,我上一份工作挣得更多。I'm starting to think I'd be better off without him.我开始在想,如果没有他我的生活也许会更好些。The government claim that people are better off now than they have ever been.政府称现在人民比以前任何时候都富裕。In the long run, I think you're better off without him.从长远来看,我认为你最好离开他。Materially, we are better off than ever before.在物质上我们比以前任何时候都更富有。You'd be better off living on your own than quarrelling all the time with your dad.你自己一个人住比整天跟你爸爸吵架强。If you've got bags you're better off taking a taxi.你要是大包小包的,不如打的算了。Many of the larger communities felt they would be better off if they were self-governing.许多规模较大的社区认为他们如果能自治,情况会更好。He'd be better off working for a bigger company.若给大点儿的公司干活,他的境况就会好些。People are earning more, but when inflation is factored in, they are no better off.人们挣得更多了,但将通货膨胀因素考虑在内,他们并没有比以前宽裕。The new tax will not have a serious impact on the better off.新征收的税对经济宽裕的人影响不会很大。Do you sincerely believe that the country is better off now?你真的相信国家现在更富裕了?They have to pay out more of their income in rates than the better off.比起较为富裕的人们来,他们反而得把更多的收入用在纳税上。He'd be better off starting with something simpler.他最好从比较简单的事做起。I think she's better off without him.我觉得没有他她会更好。That seriously ill dog would be better off dead.那条患着重病的狗还是死了好。They'd be better off on the parish, anyway.不管怎么说,他们靠救济的话境况会好一些。I think you'd be better off using a knife rather than scissors for that job.我觉得你做那件工作别用剪刀,还是用小刀的好。 |