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词汇 the cabinet
例句 Members of the cabinet indulged in favouritism.内阁成员们一味偏袒。Is there space in the cabinet for these dishes?橱柜里还有地方放这些盘子吗?Thousands of people held a demonstration clamouring the cabinet to be reshuffled.成千上万的人民群众举行游行示威要求内阁改组。He reshuffled the cabinet to firm his government.他改组内阁以强化其政府。The president advised with the cabinet.总统同内阁进行了商讨。The Prime Minister has offered Stroud a position in the cabinet.首相请斯特劳德加入内阁。They are recomposing the cabinet.他们正在改组内阁。Each chair had the nameplate of the cabinet member who occupied it.每把内阁成员坐的椅子上都有块标出该阁员姓名的牌子。He would sell his soul for a seat in the cabinet.为求得内阁的一个席位他甚至会出卖自己的灵魂。If the cabinet doors are true, they will close tightly.柜子的门如果安得很正,就会严丝合缝地关上。The president called the cabinet together.总统召集内阁会议。The Prime Minister's speech today signals that there will be a shake-up in the cabinet.首相今天的讲话表明内阁将进行改组。A newspaper article alleged that the cabinet was going to resign.一家报纸宣称内阁即将辞职。Measure the height, width, and depth of the cabinet.测量柜子的长、宽和进深。He was eased out by a power play in the cabinet.他是由于内阁内部的权力之争而被暗中排挤出去的。There's a bottle of aspirin in the cabinet.柜子里有瓶阿司匹林。Dimension the shelves so that they fit securely into the cabinet.把搁板刨成需要的尺寸以便它们可牢固地镶入贮藏橱中。There's been a major reshuffle of the cabinet to bring in new blood.内阁进行了一次大重组以引进新生力量。Each member of the cabinet stated his views on the question.每位阁员都就这一问题谈了自己的看法。He reported his soundings to the cabinet.他向内阁报告调查结果。The prime minister is first among equals in the cabinet.英国首相是内阁中的第一把手。The glasses are in the cabinet near the front.杯子在橱柜里靠外的地方。He drilled a hole in the back of the cabinet.他在橱柜背面钻了个孔。A policy decision was made by the cabinet to keep the war low-key.内阁作出一项决策,不使战争扩大。She noticed that two employees' files were missing from the cabinet.她发现文件柜里有两个雇员的档案不见了。There are towels in the cabinet above the commode.抽水马桶上面的储藏柜里有毛巾。His remarks were designed to kill off speculation of a rift between the cabinet and the prime minister.他的言论是为了打消人们对内阁和首相不和的猜测。All members of the cabinet are collectively responsible for decisions taken.所有的内阁成员对所作的决定都负有共同的责任。




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