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词汇 theatre
例句 The theatre has been slow to respond to the challenges presented by progressive drama.戏剧界对革新派戏剧带来的挑战反应迟钝。The whole theatre was muttering in annoyance.整个剧场怨声一片。Last week a new comedy opened at the theatre.一出新的喜剧上星期在戏院开始上演。 When you reached the theatre, you will see a grand marquee out front. That's the main entrance.你到了剧场,就会看见有个大门罩,那就是正面入口。She's been working in the theatre over thirty years.她从事戏剧工作已有三十余载。The theatre has reached an agreement with striking actors.剧院已经和罢演的演员达成了协议。We went to a theatre to wind down.我们上剧场去放松一下。Children are enthralled by his stories; he has been known to fill theatre halls in Australia.孩子们为他的故事所着迷;众所周知他在澳大利亚总是场场爆满。She wanted to get away from the traditional ideas of what theatre is about.她想摆脱传统的戏剧观念。His speech was a great piece of political theatre.他的讲演是一出杰出的政治剧。One theatre showed a film starring Charlie Chaplin.一家影剧院上演查理·卓别林主演的电影。We had hoped to organize a trip to the theatre tonight, but it didn't come off.我们本来想今天晚上组织去看戏,可未能如愿。He's a keen theatre-goer.他是个戏迷。Thousands of people were sardined into the theatre.戏院里挤进了好几千人。If you're a culture vulture, New York has everything you could want - opera, theatre, museums, and more.如果你对文化痴迷,纽约应有尽有¬——歌剧、戏院、博物馆等等。Drama is an art that is traditionally performed in a theatre.戏剧是一门通常在剧院表演的艺术。In summer there are open-air concerts and theatre performances in the park.夏天的时候,公园里有露天音乐会和戏剧表演。We arranged to meet outside the theatre.我们说好在剧院外面碰头。Attendance figures had been steadily dropping, creating a mood of doom and discouragement among theatre directors.上座人数一直持续下降,使得戏剧导演产生悲观泄气的情绪。The theatre was packed for the opening night.演出首夜剧院里座无虚席。The speaker's booming voice easily reached the back of the theatre.演讲者浑厚的声音不费力地传至剧院的后排。There was some good fringe theatre at the festival.节日期间有一些不错的边缘戏剧。We don't go to the theatre much any more.我们不再经常去看戏了。The new theatre looks utterly incongruous in its setting.这座新剧院和周围的环境完全格格不入。In the last hectic weeks before the show started we were practically living in the theatre to get it ready on time.演出前的最后几周非常忙,我们实际上是住在剧院里,以便为这台戏的按时上演作好准备。Arts and theatre groups are constantly thrusting the begging bowl at the government.艺术和戏剧团体经常伸手向政府要钱。Pre-recorded TV programmes have so much less immediacy and warmth than live theatre.事先录制的电视节目比剧院现场少了很多的即时性和亲切感。The number of theatre-goers has declined.去剧院看戏的观众人数下降了。The theatre opened in March 2001.戏院于二零零一年三月开业。Normally, I park behind the theatre.通常我把车停在剧院后面。They kept a pied-a-terre in London for theatre evenings.他们在伦敦有一间临时小公寓,晚上看戏后可以使用。There wasn't a theatre in any place near.近处没有一座剧院。They set up a museum in an annexe to the theatre.在剧院的配楼内设立了博物馆。Crowds from the theatre were spilling onto the street.人群从戏院里涌到街上。When he came out of the theatre, he realized his wallet was missing.走出剧院时,他意识到钱包丢了。The theatre was in breach of the safety laws for having no fire doors.由于没有消防门,这家剧院违反了安全法规。A crowd of people were standing outside the theatre.有一群人在剧院外面站着。The city's first purpose-built theatre is nearing completion.该市第一座专用剧院已接近完工。I got the tickets through a friend of a friend who works in the theatre.我是从一位朋友的朋友那儿买到票的,他在戏院工作。A tourist approached us and asked us the way to the theatre.一个游客走到我们身边问去剧院的路。




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