例句 |
The movie was a stimulant to discussion.这部电影激起了人们的讨论。Increases in new construction would be a stimulant to the economy.新建筑的增加对经济可能是一种刺激。He was offered alcohol as a stimulant.有人给他酒,让他兴奋起来。Caffeine, which is found in coffee and tea, is a mild stimulant.咖啡和茶中含有的咖啡因是轻度兴奋剂。These stimulant effects of caffeine are not long-lasting.咖啡因的兴奋效应并不持久。The drug is a central nervous system stimulant.此药是一种中枢神经系统兴奋剂。The lowering of interest rates will act as a stimulant to economic growth.利率的下降将刺激经济增长。Caffeine is a stimulant.咖啡因是一种兴奋剂。 |