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词汇 test
例句 She was nervously fiddling with her pen as she waited for the test to start.在等待考试开始之际,她紧张地摆弄着她的钢笔。Sooner or later, life will put the relationship to the test.总有一天,生活会考验这种关系是否牢固。He stared at the empty page. The test was nearly over, and he hadn't managed to answer any of the questions.他呆呆地看着这空白的纸。考试快要结束了,而他却一个问题也没答出来。In the second round she faces an adversary who will provide a much sterner test of her skill.在第二轮,她面对的对手将会更严峻地考验她的技术。Worrying about the test won't do you any good.担心考试是没有用的。That test was cake.那次测试太容易了。She failed her test, so I'm taking her out to cheer her up.她考试不及格,所以我要带她出去让她开心开心。What will happen if I fail the test?如果我考试没通过,会怎么样呢?I'm glad I bumped into you. I wanted to ask you about tomorrow's history test.我很高兴碰见你,我想问问你明天历史测验的事。He was kicking up his heels because he scored an hundred on his test.他非常兴奋因为他考试得了满分。The Appeal court will, at the concluding stage, test its own opinions against those of the judges in the original hearing.上诉法院将会在结案阶段提出自己的观点,看看是否比初审法官的意见更站得住脚。His test scores were higher than the national average.他的考试成绩高于全国平均水平。Good news! Ian passed his driving test!好消息!伊恩通过驾驶考试了!Practice is the only reliable test of a theory.实践是检验理论的唯一可靠标准。I've only just passed my driving test, so I'm still a little nervous.我刚刚才通过驾驶考试,所以还有点紧张。I bombed the English test yesterday.昨天我英语测验考砸了。They wanted me to take an IQ test.他们想让我做一次智商测试。You will get a free sight test if you are under 16.如果你不满十六岁,可以免费检查视力。He tried the test with some qualms.他怀着疑惧试做了测验。Several students were caught cheating on the test.几名学生考试作弊被抓到。This test provides an excellent way of assessing students’ progress.这项测试为评估学生的进度提供了一套非常有效的方法。Which test is the less difficult of the two?两次测验哪次更容易些?She was determined that she would be equal to any test the corporation put to them.她下定决心要成功应对公司对他们的任何考验。The test revealed the true cause of death.化验揭示了真正的死因。The test results speak poorly for our school system.测试结果表明我们的学校体系欠佳。The test was much too difficult for most of the students.这次考试对大多数同学来说都太难。Trade unions are regarding the poll as a test of the public's confidence in the government.工会将此次民意调查当作测试民众对政府信心的一种方式。The written test was ridiculously easy.笔试容易得离谱。Life's ordeals test us.生活的苦难是对我们的考验。I have a chemistry test tomorrow.明天我要考化学。Jerry had too many test papers to read, so she farmed out half of them to a friend.杰丽要批阅的考卷太多了,因而把一半包给了朋友。The unexpected test results have given us food for thought.出乎意料的测试结果值得我们深思。Teachers are trying to reverse the general trend of lower test scores.老师们正试图扭转测试成绩总体上的下降趋势。It is important to test for ripeness.为求完美,尝试是相当重要的。The Party's authority, comrades, will be put to a serious test.同志们,党的权威将受到严重的考验。The test is supposed to be hard - aren't you going to study at all?考试据说很难—你就一点也不复习?He failed his driver's test the first time he took it, but he passed it the second time.他第一次参加驾照考试未过,但第二次通过了。I don't feel that I'm ready for my driving test yet.我认为我还没有准备好参加驾照考试。The teacher gave the class a test.老师让全班做了个测验。Check everything and run the whole test again.把一切检查一下,然后把试验全部重做一遍。




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