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词汇 通讯
例句 Enemy communications were destroyed, enabling a surprise attack.敌人的通讯已经被摧毁,这就使突袭成为可能。In Africa, cellular phones are often the only reliable way of communicating.在非洲,手机往往是唯一可靠的通讯方式。Let us not forget that the much-maligned British Rail has a major expertise in electronic communications.我们不要忘了备受非议的英国铁路在电子通讯领域有一项重要的技术专利。No report has been received because of a communications blackout ordered by the new regime.由于新政权下令实行通讯封锁,因此没有接到报道。He wrote for the now defunct newspaper, the Daily Correspondent.他以前为现在已经停办的《每日通讯》写文章。California is vying with other states to capture a piece of the growing communications market.为了在日渐扩大的通讯市场分得一杯羹,加利福尼亚正在和其他州展开竞争。There is a step change taking place in communications technology.通讯技术取得了较大的变化。Because of difficulties with telecommunications, our information is still patchy.由于通讯困难,我们的信息仍然不完全。We always try to keep our newsletter light-hearted, so that people will enjoy it.我们总努力把通讯写得轻松,让大家读得愉快。The conjunction of computers and communications is perhaps the most important aspect of information technology.计算机和通讯的结合可能是信息技术最重要的方面。One area of the business which has been stood on its head is internal communications.这家企业和以前完全不同的一个方面是内部通讯The air raids were planned to knock out communications on the ground.计划中空袭是为了摧毁地面通讯The satellite has become an important means of communication.卫星已成为一个重要的通讯工具。Before the digital revolution, mankind relied upon analog signals to communicate with one another.在数位革命之前,人类的通讯多半是靠类比的讯号。Radio was the pilot's only means of communication.无线电是飞行员唯一的通讯工具。Communications were temporarily dislocated by the bad weather.因天气恶劣通讯暂时不畅。The earthquake cracked walls and driveways and knocked out electricity and communications.这场地震使墙壁和车道断裂,电力及通讯也中断了。He believes the change in the world view has occurred because of the new developments in communications.他认为人们的世界观发生转变是由于通讯技术的新发展。Transport is difficult, communications are patchy.交通不便,通讯不完全。The war stopped postal communication between the two countries.战争中断两国间的邮政通讯That date wasn't down on our news sheet.那个日期没有刊在我们的通讯简报上。The companies recently teamed up to develop new communications software.这些公司最近合作研制新的通讯软件。E-mail has become an increasingly important means of business communication.电子邮件已成为越来越重要的商业通讯手段。The newsletter is published weekly.这个通讯每周刊发一次。Transport and communications are key areas of the economy.交通与通讯是经济中的关键领域。The industry asked the Federal Communications Commission to waive a rule that limits the amount of power used to send a data transmission over a telephone line.该行业要求联邦通讯委员会取消限制电话线数据传输功率的规定。We fully recognize the need to improve communications.我们充分意识到需要改善通讯The phones are for internal communication only.这些电话只用于内部通讯We received a huge postbag on the spelling mistakes in our newsletter.我们收到了大量信件,投诉我们的通讯中出现的拼写错误。Members all receive a free copy of the monthly newsletter.会员都会收到一份免费的通讯月刊。All international email communication has been blocked by the regime.所有的国际电子邮件通讯都被该政权封锁。The advances in communications altered the nature of information processing.通讯技术的进步使信息处理发生了质的改变。They decided to attack civil and military communications centres.他们决定攻击民用和军用通讯中心。Mobile communications can now reach any part of the planet.移动通讯可以覆盖地球的任何一个地方。The sheer size of the country makes communications difficult.该国幅员辽阔,造成了通讯的困难。Vince is vice-president of corporate communications.文斯是负责公司通讯方面的副总裁。What exactly will the impact of all these communication innovations be?所有这些通讯上的革新,将具体产生哪些影响?The Global Communications Group links ecological and other political activists via the Net.全球通讯组织通过互联网把生态及其他政治活动积极分子联系在一起。




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