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词汇 terribly
例句 You should have seen it-it was terribly funny!你没看到真是可惜,简直笑死人了!The movie made me feel terribly sad.这部电影让我极度悲伤。The biology of these diseases is terribly complicated.这些疾病的病理极其复杂。She is terribly offended, angered and hurt by this.她认为这是对她的严重冒犯,感到非常愤怒和深受伤害。I'm terribly sorry, I just wasn't thinking.太抱歉了,我实在没有想一想。 United looked terribly short of menace in attack.联队的进攻看上去一点儿威胁也没有。Poor Dr Pegler got terribly behindhand with his appointments.可怜的佩格勒博士大大落后于当初的约定。He misses his wife terribly.他非常想念妻子。Mary is terribly on edge now that her examinations are approaching.考期越来越近了,玛丽非常紧张不安。I was terribly lonely at the start.开始时我非常孤单。A small ship rolled about terribly in the storm.一条小船岌岌可危地在暴风雨中颠簸飘摇。My arms were covered with a rash that itched terribly.我的胳膊上长满了痒得难受的疹子。I slept terribly last night.我昨晚睡得很不好。I was beginning to understand that being alone could be terribly depressing.我开始明白独居的生活会令人极度消沉。The old couple was cold-blooded and kept their house terribly hot.那对老夫妇很怕冷,所以把房间烧得热得要命。I 'm terribly cross with him.我对他很生气。The town centre is dying, and most of the shops have closed down. It's terribly sad.城镇中心在败落,大部分商铺都关门了。真令人悲哀。My feet were itching terribly.我的脚痒得厉害。They knew they had done something terribly wrong and lied to cover it up.他们知道自己犯了十分严重的错误,于是撒谎隐瞒。She was terribly hurt when it happened.这件事情发生时,她伤心欲绝。She's terribly upset because her father passed away last week.她非常难过,因为她父亲上周去世了。I could see that something was terribly wrong.我能觉察到有什么事很不对头。Something has gone terribly wrong.出了非常严重的问题。I like tennis, but I play terribly. 我喜欢网球,但打得很差劲。She was terribly afraid of offending anyone.她非常害怕得罪任何人。Even clever people are not terribly clever when put on the spot.即便是聪明人在面对难题时也未必就能表现得特别聪明。This work should have been finished yesterday. I'm getting terribly behind.这项工作应该昨天完成的,我落后太多了。The chances of a planet surviving a supernova always looked terribly slim.行星躲过超新星爆发的几率总是十分渺茫。The coach jolted its passengers terribly over the miserable road.长途汽车在很糟糕的公路上行驶,把乘客们颠得够呛。I shall miss him terribly.我会很想他的。Traveling in the desert, he met a woman standing alone and terribly dejected.在沙漠旅行时他遇见了一个女人,她孤独地站著,非常沮丧。I used to take plenty of exercise, but now I'm terribly unfit.我过去经常进行大量锻炼,但现在我的身体状况非常糟糕。It's a terribly dull place to live.在这个地方住非常无聊。The lad put his heart and soul into that piece of work, and it hurt him terribly when it was rejected.那个小伙子在这件作品上倾注了全部心血,所以作品被拒绝时他感到很伤心。The room is terribly draughty with the window open.这扇窗开着,房间里的穿堂风大得吓人。She'd suffered terribly over the years but it hadn't made her bitter.多年来她受尽了苦,可她并不怨恨。It is all terribly flattering and she is trying to reply to every single letter personally.一切都让她感到无比荣幸,她尽量亲自回复每一封信。I thought him terribly ungainly when he danced.我觉得他跳舞时显得极其笨拙。When she was young, everybody thought my grandmother was terribly daring because she smoked.我祖母年轻时,大家都觉得她的胆子特别大,因为她吸烟。I'd be lying if I said I didn't suffer terribly with melancholy.要是我说自己没有饱受抑郁之苦,那是在说谎。




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