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词汇 temperamental
例句 Vickers machine-guns could be temperamental.维克斯机枪有时会出故障。He is very temperamental and critical.他好使性子,还爱挑毛病。Preston is particularly good at handling temperamental people.普雷斯顿特别擅长对付喜怒无常的人。There are temperamental similarities between the brothers.兄弟俩在性情上有些相似。The only heating was from a temperamental iron stove in the centre of each hut.唯一的取暖设备就是在每间小茅屋中央的那个时好时坏的铁炉。Be careful how you approach her - she's very temperamental.同她接触你要注意方式——她这人喜怒无常。She's so temperamental that even if you disagree with her it's better to bite your tongue and say nothing.她这人很喜怒无常,即使你不同意她,也最好保持沉默,什么都不要说。The old computer is temperamental.这台旧电脑性能不稳定。He's very temperamental and needs to be treated with kid gloves.他喜怒无常,和他打交道需要多加小心。In her latest film she portrayed a temperamental Polish actress.她在最近一部影片中扮演了一名喜怒无常的波兰籍女演员。You have to treat our DVD player very carefully - it's old and temperamental.你用我们的光盘机时得格外小心——它很旧了,而且性能不稳定。He has a temperamental dislike of sports.他生性不喜欢运动。Sorry if the heater's a bit temperamental.如果加热器性能不稳定,我很抱歉。This photocopier's a bit temperamental.这台复印机性能有点不稳定。Jo's car is very temperamental in the mornings. Sometimes it starts and sometimes it doesn't.乔的汽车在上午总时好时坏,有时能发动起来,有时就发动不起来。He described her as a woman who is temperamental and quick to take offence.他把她说成是个喜怒无常、动不动就生气的人。They divorced due to temperamental differences.他们由于性格不合离了婚。Actors have the reputation of being very temperamental.演员们的性情变幻无常是众所周知的。The actor is known for being temperamental.这个演员的喜怒无常是众所周知的。The actress was so temperamental that many people refused to work with her.那位女演员喜怒无常,许多人都拒绝和她合作。The aircraft was most temperamental at high altitudes.那架飞机在高空飞行时性能极不稳定。I first started cruising in yachts with temperamental petrol engines.我刚开始驾驶游艇航行时,艇上的汽油发动机老出毛病。The actress is a temperamental prima donna.这个女演员是个自大且喜怒无常的人。




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