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词汇 telling
例句 He seemed nervous and his friends kept telling him to loosen up.他看起来很紧张,朋友们不停地劝他要放松。Thank you for being honest, for telling it like it is.谢谢你这样坦率,实事求是。His mother scanned his face to see if he was telling the truth.他母亲察看他的面色看他是不是在讲真话。The police were telling us to move along.警察在叫我们走开。He filled a gap in the conversation by telling a joke.他插了一则笑话,使谈话不致中断。He's been telling you a bunch/load of baloney. 他不停地跟你讲着连篇的鬼话。He is a champion at telling stories.他是讲故事的能手。North Adelaide Brahmins are used to telling people what to do.北阿德莱德那些自命不凡的家伙惯于对人指手画脚。I'm telling you, he's the best player in the American League.我跟你说,他是美国联盟中最好的队员。I kept telling myself that it would all be over soon.我不停地告诉自己事情将很快过去。She forfeited the esteem of her friends by telling lies.她因说谎失去了朋友们的器重。I don't want you telling our private business to all and sundry.我不希望你把我们的私事和别人讲。Last summer she began telling friends that a New Year marriage was on the cards.去年夏天她开始对朋友们说自己很可能在新年结婚。Few things destroy trust more than telling a friend's secrets.没有比把朋友的秘密讲出去更能破坏信任了。I knew that she was incapable of telling a lie.我知道她是不会撒谎的。He has been accused of telling lies about his military record.他被指控谎报自己的从军经历。As he left the house, Mungo felt a pang of shame at telling Alice a lie.芒戈离开房子的时候,因为对爱丽丝说了谎而感到一阵羞愧。One questions whether he's telling the truth.你会怀疑他是不是在讲真话。The witness was telling about the whole accident.目击者正在讲述整个事故的过程。I was never able to establish whether she was telling the truth.我根本无法确定她是否在说实话。I don't have any scruples about telling her what I think.告诉她我的想法,我没有丝毫顾虑。I wouldn't put it past him to leave without telling anyone.我认为他做得出不辞而别这种事。The Budget does expose the lies ministers were telling a year ago.预算案无疑揭穿了部长们一年前所说的谎话。Jack really put his foot in it by telling Alice about the surprise party.杰克真的说错了话,把惊喜晚会的事告诉了爱丽丝。It is hard telling the twins apart.很难分清这对双胞胎。A more telling criticism of Davos is that it is ineffective.对达沃斯组织更有力的批评就是它起不了什么作用。He carried on telling a joke, laughing his head off.他继续讲笑话,自己笑得前仰后合。Fortune-telling is a very much debased art surrounded by superstition.算命是一种非常低级的把戏,充满了迷信色彩。A telling sign of misplaced priorities is the concentration on health, not environmental issues.主次不分的一个显著迹象是人们专注于健康而非环境问题。He inducts the recruits, telling them this is their home.他征召新兵入伍,告诉他们这里就是他们的家。I had a hunch that she was not telling the truth.凭直觉我觉得她没说真话。Her response to the question was very telling. 她对这个问题的回答表露出她的真实感受。No one could be his equal at telling a story.讲故事没人比得上他。I don't think I'm breaking any confidence by telling you that he plans to write another book.我想我告诉你他计划写另一本书不是不守信用。He may not be lying in the strict sense of the word, but he's certainly not telling the whole truth.严格地说来,他可能并不在说谎,但他肯定没有把真话都说出来。By telling lies he brought discredit upon the Army.他说谎话,败坏了军队的名声。He gave them a right telling off.他狠狠地训斥了他们一顿。How a man shaves may be a telling clue to his age.男人刮胡子的方式也许能泄露其年龄。You're not telling me a fib, are you?你不会是在对我说谎吧?I'm only telling you what it says in the newspaper.我只是告诉你报纸上是怎么说的。




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