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A telecommunications company funded the event to the tune of several million dollars.一家通信公司为此项活动提供了总额高达数百万美元的资金。The IT explosion means that telecommunications companies are thriving.信息技术爆炸意味着通信公司蓬勃发展。The deal is expected to result in similar tie-ups between big media companies and telecommunications operators.这笔交易可能促成大型传媒公司和电信运营商结成类似的联营关系。We cannot entrust the country's telecommunications to unqualified people.我们不能把国家的电信事业交托给不能胜任的人。There have been massive upheavals in the telecommunications industry.电信业已发生了巨大的变化。In today's globalized world, telecommunications have broken down boundaries.在今日这个全球化的社会里,电信已经打破了地域局限。The television screens of the next century will be linked up to an emerging world telecommunications grid.下个世纪的电视屏幕将会接入到正在形成的全球电信网络中。The new legislation signals a move away from government involvement in telecommunications.新法规标志着政府在退出电信业方面迈出了一步。The news gave a fillip to the telecommunications sector.此消息鼓舞了电信业。Her father owns a small telecommunications business.他父亲有一家小型电信公司。Japan's telecommunications giant, NTT日本电信巨头日本电报电话公司Futurists agree that these trends will grow as telecommunications networks become cheaper and more efficient.未来学家一致认为,随着电信网络资费的降低和效率的提高,这些趋势将会越来越明显。He's in telecommunications.他从事电信科技。US companies have invested heavily in their telecommunications networks.美国公司在通信网络方面投资很大。Thatcher privatized publicly owned industries like electricity and telecommunications.撒切尔将电力、通信等国有工业私有化。China is the top exporter of telecommunications equipment.中国是通信设备的第一大出口国。The telecommunications satellite went into orbit at the end of last year.去年年底这颗通讯卫星进入了轨道。For this job, experience in telecommunications is a plus.就这份工作来说,在电信方面的经验将会是一个优势。Because of difficulties with telecommunications, our information is still patchy.由于通讯困难,我们的信息仍然不完全。With the growth of telecommunications, the location of a company's headquarters is becoming less and less important.由于电信的发展,一个公司总部在哪里设址越来越不重要了。The deal is expected to result in similar tie-ups between big media companies and telecommunications operators.这笔交易有望促使大型传媒公司和电信运营商结成类似的联营关系。 |