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词汇 technologies
例句 We need to exploit existing technologies more fully.我们需要更充分地利用现有的技术。This means we need to keep pace with developments in new technologies.这意味着我们得紧跟新技术的发展步伐。New imaging technologies mean that doctors are better able to screen for breast cancer.新的成像技术意味着医生能更容易检测出乳腺癌。The government is developing innovative/advanced technologies to improve the safety of its soldiers.政府正在开发创新/先进的技术装备以改善士兵的安全状况。The company has been ahead of the curve in adopting new technologies. 这家公司在采用新技术方面一马当先。Only gradually are technologies being developed to mechanize the task.使这项任务实现机械化的技术只能逐步发展。The American space program has spun off new commercial technologies.美国的太空计划衍生出了新的商业技术。Many people are unwilling to embrace new technologies.很多人不愿意接受新科技。The new technologies have made India agriculturally self-sufficient.新技术使印度在农业上达到了自给自足。Businesses are keeping their payrolls low by embracing new technologies.公司通过采用新技术来减少工资支出。The world is being turned upside down by the string of multimedia technologies coming down the pike.一连串多媒体技术的问世令整个世界发生了天翻地覆的变化。American firms handed over technologies to their partners and then sat back to enjoy the cash flow.美国公司把技术移交给了合作方,然后就坐等着收钱了。This year's technologies are leapfrogging last year's designs.今年的设计工艺超过了去年的。The industry has changed greatly with the appearance of new technologies.新技术问世后,这一行业出现了天翻地覆的变化。Eco-technologies cannot simply be bolted on to existing cities.生态技术无法直接简单地引入现有城市。One of the technologies it has been developing has been uranium enrichment.铀浓缩是它一直在开发的技术之一。The industry has been affected by competition from new technologies.这个行业受到了新技术竞争的影响。Most alternative technologies work best on a small scale.大多数替代性技术小规模使用效果最佳。They should be allowed to wait for cheaper technologies to be developed.应该允许他们等到更廉价的技术被开发出来。This is but a foretaste of what the emerging technologies will enable us to do.新科技将会给我们带来什么,这仅仅是一次初体验。There is a certain parallelism in the development of the two technologies.两种技术的发展有一定的相似之处。We are working with partner companies on wireless technologies.我们正与合伙公司就无线技术进行合作。Scottish companies could become major players in the world market for green technologies.苏格兰的公司可能会成为全球绿色技术市场的主角。This product is the result of many different technologies combining.这种产品是许多不同技术相结合的结果。Some surveillance technologies can be bought relatively cheaply off the shelf.能较便宜地买到一些现成的监控技术。We now have the technologies to transplant limbs.现在我们掌握了肢体移植技术。Many firms are going over to new technologies.许多公司开始采用新科技。In order to catch up with its competitors in the industry, the company will need to start using more advanced technologies.为了赶上行业竞争者,公司需要开始采用更加先进的技术。The company is investing heavily in new technologies.这家公司大力投资新技术。They have yet to show that they can really deliver working technologies.他们尚未证明自己真的能够开发出实用技术。I began to question the merits of these new technologies.我开始质疑这些新技术的优点。We investigated the impact of new technologies on teaching methods.我们调查了新技术对教学方法的影响。They decided to expand the role that new technologies play at the hospital.他们决定让新技术在医院发挥更大的作用。Such technologies were still uncommon in the US.这些技术在美国仍然不同寻常。Other technologies work as well or better.其他技术同样可以,或者更好。More liberal policies have facilitated the introduction of new technologies.更加宽松的政策促进了新技术的引进。These societal changes are inextricably bound up with the development of new technologies.这些社会变迁与新技术的发展密不可分。Notice the parallel development/evolution of the two technologies.注意这两项技术相对应的发展/演化。




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