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例句 Reading is taught using a combination of several methods.阅读技巧是用几种方法结合起来教的。Their daughter's death had taught them humility.女儿去世使他们懂得了做人要谦逊。He taught himself to carve to a high degree of proficiency.他自学雕刻,达到了很高的水平。It taught him a lesson.这给了他一个教训。My father's experience taught me a memorable lesson in how to get ahead.我父亲的经历给我上了难忘的一课,教会了我如何走上成功之路。He taught me how to doctor the camel.他教我怎样给骆驼治病。Languages are taught by the direct method, that is to say, without using the student's own language.语言教学使用的是直接教学法,也就是说,不用学生的母语。What the teacher was saying went against everything his parents had taught him.老师的话跟他父母教导他的全然不同。She taught him how to sing harmony. 她教他如何唱和声。Students are taught one-to-one.学生接受一对一的教学。Her greatest claim to fame is that she taught Labour MPs how to look good on television.她最出名的事是教工党议员如何在电视上拥有良好形象。I've taught sixth formers and invigilated exams.我教过六年级学生并监考。Children need to be taught not to pick their noses in company.应该教孩子们不要当着别人的面抠鼻子。He taught himself the sport by watching online instructional videos.他通过看网上的教学录像学会了那项运动。This is a two year course taught by means of lectures and seminars.本课程为期两年,授课形式为讲座与研讨。We were taught to chew our food thoroughly before swallowing.我们被教导吃东西要完全嚼烂后再咽下去。Very often, retired people need to be taught how to use and enjoy their leisure time.退休的人常常需要指导才会利用和享受闲暇时间。Sit astride, like they taught you in physio.跨着坐,就像理疗时他们教你的那样。They were taught to obey their father's will without question.他们被教导要完全遵从父亲的意志,不得有任何质疑。I once taught myself to knit, and I was pretty good at it.我曾自学编织,织得非常好。The course will be taught through a series of lectures and seminars.这门课程的讲授将通过一系列讲座和讨论课来进行。That experience taught me never to follow the crowd blindly.那次经历教会我不要盲目随大流。Blind and sighted children are taught in the same classroom.失明和视力正常的儿童在同一个教室里上课。She lived in Rome for a couple of years, where she taught English.她在罗马生活了几年,其间在那里教英语。In the high school I went to we were taught by Benedictine monks.在我就读的那所高中,由本笃会僧侣向我们授课。His work exalts all those virtues that we are taught to hold dear.他的作品颂扬了我们受教育要珍视的所有美德。I was taught from an early age to always speak my mind.我从小就受到教导,心里怎么想就怎么说,在任何时候都应如此。He taught me how to fight with a sword.他教我如何用剑作战。He taught elemental arts and crafts to the children.他教孩子们基础的工艺劳作。As a child she was taught that she would be damned for her sins.她从小就受教导,有了罪过要受到惩罚。He taught her how to mix drinks.他教她如何调制饮料。She taught at a private dance studio.她在一家私人舞蹈中心教跳舞。My father taught me to drive.我父亲教会我开车。Inflation has taught companies ingenious ways to eke out modest budgets.通货膨胀使各公司想出一些妙招来节约使用有限的预算。Children can be taught to make discriminations between different types of stimuli.孩子可以教会区分不同类型的刺激。They taught conversational English to a group of Japanese students.他们教一群日本学生会话英语。This is a two-year course taught by means of lectures and seminars.这个为期两年的课程是通过讲座和研讨课的形式授课的。Arthur Murray taught the foxtrot, the tango and the waltz.阿瑟·默里教狐步舞、探戈和华尔兹。In the business colleges students are taught to keep books.商学院教授学生簿记。He taught a class during the summer session.在夏季开学期间他教了一堂课。




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