例句 |
The lymph drains away excess fluids.淋巴排走多余的液体。Cervical cancer may be cured with radical surgery when it is confined to the pelvis or regional lymph nodes.宫颈癌如果仅限于盆骨或周边淋巴结时,可以采用根除性手术治愈。Regional lymph nodes become swollen and eventually ulcerate. 局部淋巴结先是肿胀而最后发生溃疡。Removing the lymph glands can sometimes lead to swelling known as lymphoedema.移除淋巴腺有时候会造成水肿,称为淋巴水肿。Symptoms include enlargement of the lymph nodes.症状包括淋巴结肿大。 |