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词汇 lying to
例句 I felt rotten about lying to him.我对他撒了谎,感觉很不好。I'm not in the habit of lying to my friends.我没有对朋友撒谎的习惯。The President was accused of cooking the evidence and lying to the public.总统被指控篡改证据并向公众撒谎。Don't compound your mistake by lying to the police.别向警察说谎而使自己错上加错。He had an unerring instinct for when people were lying to him.他凭直觉就知道别人什么时候是在说谎,从未错过。There's no point lying to her - she's much too sharp.跟她撒谎没有用,她太灵敏了。Don't even think about lying to me!别想对我撒谎!She was charged with obstructing justice by lying to investigators.她因向侦查人员说谎而被控妨碍司法。He is being charged with obstruction of justice for lying to investigators.他因对侦查人员说谎而被控妨碍司法。The governor debased himself by lying to the public.州长因对公众撒谎而败坏了自己的名誉。Some research psychologists have no compunction about lying to their subjects.一些做研究的心理学家对向研究对象撒谎毫无内疚感。I grew more and more certain that she was lying to me.我越来越确信她在对我撒谎。He was satisfied that she was not lying to him.他确信她没有骗他。I told them I wasn't down with lying to people. 我告诉他们我不赞成撒谎骗人。I'm ashamed of you – lying to your teacher!我真替你害臊,你竟然向老师撒谎!Please don't insult my intelligence by lying to me.请不要用假话侮辱我的智力。It can't be right to keep lying to your family.老是欺骗你的家人是不对的。Shame on you for lying to your grandmother!你真丢脸啊,竟然对祖母撒谎!He's skating on thin ice by lying to the police.他对警方撒谎真是冒险之举。Do you realise that by lying to the court you have committed perjury?你是否知道向法庭撒谎就是犯了伪证罪?I thought you were above lying to people. 我认为你不至于撒谎。She was convicted of perverting justice for lying to the police.她因对警方撒谎,被判妨碍司法罪。It's very discouraging to find out that your own team members have been lying to you.发现你自己的小组成员对你说谎,这真令人失去信心。He couldn't go through the agony of lying to them again, so he blurted everything out.他再也经受不住向他们撒谎的痛苦,所以就把所有的事情都和盘托出。When she saw the guilty look on her husband's face, a light dawned, and she knew he had been lying to her.看到丈夫内疚的神情,她突然明白了,原来他一直在欺骗她。The cheek of it, lying to me like that!真不要脸,竟然对我撒那样的谎!Let me get this clear/straight in my mind : are you saying that she was lying to me all along?让我捋清思路:你是说她一直在欺骗我?Were they morally justified in lying to Mrs Keech?他们对基奇夫人撒谎合乎道德吗?If you were lying to the police, then you have been an accessory after the fact for all these years.你若对警察撒了谎,那么你这些年来就一直在犯事后包庇罪。When will you come to your senses? Don't you realize that she's been lying to you?你何时才能清醒呢?难道你没意识到她一直在骗你吗?Let's get everything out in the open. You've been lying to me, haven't you?咱们打开天窗说亮话吧。你一直在骗我,是不是?She got angry with her son for lying to her again.她因为儿子再次对她扯谎而对他发起脾气来。I know fucking well you're lying to me.我他妈的知道你在对我撒谎。Seriously though, you can't keep lying to your parents.不过说真的,你不能一味地对父母撒谎。I have no reason to believe that she was lying to me.我没有理由相信她在向我撒谎。When did you work out that he had been lying to you?你什么时候发觉他在对你撒谎的?He somehow got the idea that I was lying to him.不知为何他觉得我在骗他。




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