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词汇 tantrum
例句 He threw a tantrum on the school bus.他在校车上发了一通脾气。All kids have the occasional tantrum.所有的孩子都会偶尔发发脾气。When he doesn't get his way, he has/throws a tantrum. 如果不随他的意,他就会孩子似的大发脾气。She will have a tantrum at the least provocation.她会为了丁点儿小事而大发脾气。He had a little temper tantrum yesterday.他昨天发了点儿脾气。He immediately threw a tantrum, screaming like a child.他立即耍起性子来,像小孩似的叫着。Whenever it's time for bed she throws a tantrum.每次上床的时候她总要耍脾气。This kind of tantrum is to be expected from a two-year-old.一个两岁的孩子这样发脾气是可以预料到的。He immediately threw a tantrum, screaming and stomping up and down like a child.他立即耍起性子来,像小孩似的跺着脚又叫又跳。She throws a tantrum when she can't have the toy she wants.她得不到想要的玩具就会大发脾气。My son had a tantrum and banged his fist on the ground.我儿子大发脾气,一拳捶在了地上。




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