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She's only been a lawyer for three years, but she sure can talk the talk.她成为律师才三年,但是在谈吐上显得很有一套的样子。She didn't talk the talk of feminism, but her career was the most important thing in her life.她不只是嘴上说说女权主义,事业也确实是她生命中最重要的事情。When it comes to recycling he talks the talk but he doesn't walk the walk.在废物回收利用这个问题上,他是说一套做一套。Sure, she talks the talk, but can she walk the walk? 当然,她说她会去做,但她真会去做吗?Don't talk the talk unless you can walk the walk! 别说得头头是道,除非你说到做到! |