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词汇 take time off
例句 He spun some tale about needing to take time off work because his mother was ill.他编了个瞎话,说他妈妈病了,他需要请假。Promising researchers are allowed to take time off teaching and administrative duties.有作为的研究人员获准减少教学和行政工作的时间。The bill was designed to permit new fathers to take time off work.该议案旨在允许初为人父者休假。If any employee needs to take time off, s/he should contact the Personnel Department.任何雇员需要休假,应与人事部联系。We are too busy to take time off.我们忙得顾不上休息。My brother is a real workaholic who almost never takes time off.我哥哥真是个工作狂,几乎从不休息。She worries that if she takes time off for maternity leave her career will suffer.她担心若请产假自己的事业会遭受损失。At noon, workers take time off for lunch.中午时,工人们休息吃午饭。She was high enough on the corporate ladder to take time off whenever she wanted.她在公司中的级别很高,只要她愿意随时可以休假。Mitchel's schedule had not permitted him to take time off.米切尔的日程安排使他无法休假。




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