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词汇 tackled
例句 He was stabbed when he tackled an intruder armed with a knife.他在擒抱一名持刀闯入者的时候被捅伤了。His new job was certainly a challenge, but Edward tackled it with vigour and imagination.他的新工作无疑是一个挑战,但是爱德华精力充沛,想象力丰富,就这么对付了过去。The drugs problem has to be tackled head-on.对于毒品问题必须迎头痛击。He tackled the job with a great deal of imagination, skill and cunning.他充分发挥想象力、技巧和聪明才智完成了这项工作。Risk-taking has long been a feature of the theatre company's productions, which have tackled many difficult issues.冒险精神长期以来一直是该剧团剧作的一个特色,这些剧作克服了许多难题。He rugby tackled her and stole her bag.他将她撂倒,抢走了她的包。He tackled the knotty problem without recourse to any help.他不依靠任何人的帮助而独立处理这一难题。He claims Pasolini overtook and tackled him, pushing him into the dirt.他声称帕索利尼追上去打他,把他推倒在烂泥里。I used to get a right pasting when the big boys tackled me.当这些大男孩拦住我时,我常常会遭到一顿痛打。The police officer tackled him as he tried to escape.他企图逃跑时,警察把他扑倒在地,一举擒获。He was tackled before he could shoot.他还没射门就被抢断了。When I tackled Susan about it, she admitted she'd made a mistake.我和苏珊谈了这件事,她承认是她弄错了。Firefighters tackled a warehouse blaze.消防队员处理仓库火灾。His account of how he tackled that robber and saved the money sounds to me rather a tall story.他那番如何对付强盗又如何保住钱款的叙述,在我听来不啻是无稽之谈。He was tackled illegally from behind by another player.他遭到另一球员从后面犯规拦截。Unemployment and inner city decay are inseparable issues which must be tackled together.失业与市中心贫民区的破败是分不开的问题,必须一起解决。Foley tackled the quarterback.福利成功拦截了四分卫。Mr. Wells tackled the difficult problem, but he couldn't solve it.威尔斯先生处理过这一难题,但未能解决。I tackled him about how anyone could live amidst so much poverty.我坦率地问他,人在如此贫穷的环境中如何还能生存。Firemen later tackled the blaze.消防队员们后来扑灭了这场大火。He was rugby tackled by a policeman after breaking through police lines.他在突破警戒线后被一名警察拦截了。The problem is being tackled with a range of measures.这个问题正通过一系列措施予以处理。The quarterback was tackled just as he cocked his arm to throw the ball.四分卫正要屈臂投球的时候被擒抱摔倒了。I have nothing but admiration for the way she tackled those bullies.她对付那些恃强凌弱者的方法令我叹服。He tackled the problem in a typically haphazard manner.像往常一样,他处理这个问题时也很没有章法。He was tackled at the line of scrimmage.他在争球线上被阻截倒地。




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