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词汇 tackle
例句 Time and again political parties have failed to tackle this issue.各个政党处理这个问题时都屡屡失败。I certainly couldn't tackle both of them on my own.光我一个人当然对付不了他们两个。The government is not simply relying on trickle-down economics to tackle poverty.政府并没有仅仅依赖垂滴经济学来解决贫困。The government will announce interim measures to tackle fuel shortages.政府将宣布推出临时措施以解决燃料紧缺问题。The crowd continued to argue heatedly about the best way to tackle the problem.人群继续激烈地争论着解决这一问题的最佳方案。I thought it better to tackle him outside of business hours.我认为在工作时间以外找他交涉更好。Their top computer engineers were sent out to tackle the problem.他们最顶尖的电脑工程师被派去处理这个问题了。It is essential that we tackle this thorny problem.我们很有必要处理这个棘手问题。I intend to tackle both management and union on the issue.我想与资方和工会双方就这个问题进行交涉。The close season is a good time to overhaul your tackle, particularly rods and poles.禁渔期是彻底检修渔具的好时机,尤其是鱼竿。They're too powerful for you to tackle on your own.他们太强大了,你没法和他们单打独斗。Are there some countries that have been able to tackle these problems successfully?.有没有哪些国家已经能成功解决这些问题了?Local authorities have been condemned for failing to tackle the problem of homelessness.地方当局被指责未能处理好无家可归者的问题。We need to tackle this problem in a coordinated fashion.我们需要相互配合协调解决这一问题。Johnson was brought down by an aggressive tackle just a few feet from the goal.约翰逊在离球门几英尺处被一个攻击性的擒抱拉倒。Union leaders blasted the Government for failing to tackle the jobs crisis.工会领袖大力抨击政府未能处理好就业危机。John forgot to bring fishing tackle with him.约翰忘了带钓具。The police are trying to tackle car crime head-on.警方正在积极处理汽车罪案。How are we going to tackle boys' underachievement in schools?我们将怎样解决男生学习成绩不理想的问题呢?There is concern over the sufficiency of plans to tackle the problem.人们对计划是否足以解决问题表示怀疑。The first reason to tackle these problems is to save children's lives.果断处理这些问题的首要理由是为了挽救孩子们的生命。The crowd continued to argue heatedly about the best way to tackle the problem.这群人继续激烈地争论解决问题的最佳办法。There are several different ways we can tackle this problem.我们处理这个问题有几种不同的方式。Poverty and unemployment are frustratingly hard to tackle.贫穷和失业是难以解决的问题,这常常让人泄气。We need to tackle the real problems of unemployment and poverty.我们需要解决失业和贫穷这两个实际问题。They are calling for tough legislation to tackle this problem.他们提出制定严格的法律来解决这个问题。The government is at a loss to know how to tackle the violence.对于如何应对暴力问题,政府现在一筹莫展。He reaffirmed their determination to tackle inflation.他重申了他们要解决通货膨胀问题的决心。The government has brought forward new proposals to tackle the problem of increasing crime.政府提出了解决犯罪率上升问题的新计划。I have an idea about how to tackle the problem.我有一个解决问题的思路。The government has given extra funding to help tackle illiteracy in the inner cities.政府拨出额外经费来帮助解决旧城区内的文盲问题。Police forces in the area are trying to tackle car crime head on.该地区警方正设法迎头打击汽车犯罪活动。We are failing to tackle the key issues.我们在处理关键问题方面受到挫折。A sliding tackle with the studs up is illegal in most leagues.在绝大多数联赛中,滑铲时把鞋钉冲着对方球员的腿是不允许的。The government has announced plans to tackle light pollution.政府已经宣布处理光污染的计划。How do you tackle a task like that?你怎么处理那种工作?Many schools are now trying to tackle the problem of drug abuse.许多学校现正设法解决滥用药物的问题。You're in no condition to tackle the stairs.你的身体状况不宜上下楼。Her problem was just too big for her to tackle on her own.她没办法自己解决这个大问题。The young footballer collapsed in a heap after a heavy tackle.年青的足球队员完成激烈的阻截后瘫倒在地动弹不得。




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