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词汇 sync
例句 The soundtrack was out of sync so they stopped the film.由于声音和画面不同步,他们停放了电影。The school day is totally out of sync with working parents.孩子的上学时间和父母的上班时间是完全不同步的。The quarterback was in sync with his receivers.四分卫与接球手配合默契。The film's sound and picture need to be in sync.电影的声音和画面需要同步。They swayed back and forth, more or less in sync with the music.他们来回摇摆,基本上与音乐同步。Production and demand are now in sync.如今生产和需求是同步的。Some of the soldiers were marching out of sync.有些士兵行进时与其他士兵步伐不一致。In my school, anyone who was out of sync was ignored or ridiculed.在我的学校里,谁要是与众不同就会受人冷落,遭到嘲笑。All the clocks in the office are out of sync. 办公室里所有的钟显示的时间都不一样。Our ideas are in sync.我们的想法一致。The President is in sync with Thompson's views on many issues.总统在很多问题上都和汤普森的意见一致。She moved in sync with her partner.她与舞伴步调一致。Her views are in sync with our own.她的见解与我们的一致。The two mechanisms have to work in sync.两个机械装置得同步工作。Normally, when demand and supply are out of sync, you either increase the supply, or you adjust the price mechanism.通常,当供需失衡时,要么加大供给,要么调整价格机制。She was out of sync with the other dancers.她与其他舞者步调不一致。They are out of sync with Polish public opinion.他们拂逆了波兰民意。The President is not in sync with the interests and concerns of the people.这位总统不了解人民的利益和关切。His actions are completely out of sync with our goals.他的所作所为和我们的目标背道而驰。The political climate seems to be in sync with the country's changing seasons.政治气候似乎与国家变革时期的更迭是同步的。The dancers moved in sync.舞者们步调一致地移动。




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